Mark Reads ‘The Last Continent’: Part 10

In the tenth part of The Last Continent, Rincewind deals with the repercussions of his drinking. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to read Discworld.

You know, this section was fun to read, but it drags. A lot. Part of that could entirely be due to my ignorance; I don’t know how any of this plays into the larger story of The Last Continent. I’ll be fine admitting later on down the line that I just didn’t get this! And perhaps The Last Continent is a Discworld book based on an experience and a journey and less of some “big” story like I’ve gotten in many of the recent books.

I suppose that’s possible at this point. The book feels like a patchwork of scenes, like short stories interconnected by the loose idea that Rincewind needs to save Fourecks by… going somewhere. And doing something. The ambiguous nature of the quest that Scrappy shared with Rincewind is what most frustrates me about this, though I suppose that might be intentional, too! WHAT IF THIS IS ALL A PLAN BY PRATCHETT TO MESS WITH ME.

Thus, we arrive at one of the central conundrums I have when I’m doing Mark Reads (or Watches, too). I don’t have all the story, so the best I can do is judge the story thus far. At this point, Pratchett builds scenes and atmospheres and makes a lot of jokes about Rincewind being a stranger in Fourecks. (Though my favorite one is the “savage” footnote for Mrs. Whitlow.) But Rincewind’s journey lacks any sort of specificity aside from Bugarup. Instead, we get a long (though funny!) sequence in which Rincewind must deal with the bet he made while drunk.

Here, Scrappy once again shows up to work his trickster god magic and save Rincewind. There’s a lot that I found hilarious about the execution of this, like Rincewind showing off his cosmetic shearing of one of the sheep. (I WANT FAN ART OF THIS.) I’m also a huge fan of the dynamic used here: Rincewind defeating a bunch of tough guys who are suddenly terrified of him. Yes.

But where is this book going? I thought that the wizards on Mono Island were about to leave, but now they’re going back for Stibbons, who most likely isn’t keen to leave an island full of so much new information. (And there’s Mrs. Whitlow, who is still bathing in peace.) So, that story isn’t moving forward anymore, and Rincewind’s is… on the back of a tiny horse. Which, visually, is hilarious! Yet this is the first time in a while where I’ve felt that a Discworld book has stalled.

This is Mark Reads, though. It could entirely be due to the nature of my reading, since I am artificially breaking up a book anyway. My hope is that in a section or two, I’ll realize what it was Pratchett was trying to do.

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About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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