Tag Archives: mark reads bad fic

Buy your own personalized Mark Reads video!!!

Hello, Readers! I am very excited to announce my next ongoing project for this community: Mark Reads ______ Videoblogs! I had an absolute blast making videos to raise money for mine and my brother’s ALC funds this year. (I’ll make … Continue reading

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Mark Reads Bad Fic #3 / Mark Tells Stories #2

OH MY GOD IT’S DOUBLE RELEASE DAY HOLY SHIT. First of all, I apologize for the delay on my next video. As luck would have it, I would be struck down by a brutal cold just three weeks before the … Continue reading

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Mark Reads Bad Fic #2 – The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

Yes, I hate all of you. As promised, I’ve made another video upon making it to $2,000 for my AIDS/LifeCycle fund. If you missed it, here’s a post explaining why I’m doing this and to upvote fics/novels for me to … Continue reading

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Help choose Mark Reads Bad Fanfic / Bad Novels

Hello, everyone! As I’m sure you know by now if you follow my Twitter accounts, or my Facebook, or the newsletter, or you read the links at the bottom, I’m participating in my fifth consecutive AIDS/LifeCycle Ride. This is a … Continue reading

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