Tag Archives: fanfiction

Mark Reads ‘Divine Intervention’: Chapters 6 – 8

Hello, Tortall friends! I just wanted to put up a post that collected all the videos of me reading this really fascinating fanfic that Sarah S commissioned me to read! It’s called “Divine Intervention,” and it’s Emperor Mage from the perspective … Continue reading

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Mark Reads ‘The Shoebox Project’ Master Post / Q&A

Hello, Shoeboxers! It took me over six months, but I did it: I READ EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER OF THE SHOEBOX PROJECT ON VIDEO. I finally fulfilled the promise I made at LeakyCon 2011, and I am a better man for having done … Continue reading

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Mark Reads ‘The Affair of the Asphyxiated Acafan’

Hello, folks! This is a little untraditional, but I like sharing some of the commissions I get with y’all, and this one in particular is pretty awesome. Generally, I just stick my videos in my YouTube Channel and put them … Continue reading

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Mark Reads ‘The Chosen’: Complete Archive!

Hello, Readers! I wanted to provide a master post for all my videos/reviews of the epic fanfiction series The Chosen, which imagines a full eighth season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and is a work-in-progress for the ninth season. It’s been an … Continue reading

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Mark Reads ‘The Chosen’: Episodes 6 – 10

In the sixth through tenth episodes of The Chosen, the group copes with an infiltration, anger issues, heartbreak, and the return of an old friend. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to read The Chosen.

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