Mark Reads ‘Discworld’: Q&A (So Far)

So, my Discworld friends, it’s time to take a momentary break. (Reviews resume on Tuesday, so it’s not a lengthy amount of time! I’ll start Hogfather then.) I’ve had more people than I can count ask me to host a sort of “Discworld So Far” style Q&A on the site, mostly as a way for me to reflect on the lengthy journey I’ve been on. The time finally came where I would be home and (relatively) available to pull this off, so LET’S HAVE SOME FUN.

Now, the idea of this is as follows: I get to think about all nineteen Discworld books I’ve read since I started this project. Instead of compiling my thoughts into a single review (which would be challenging), YOU can ask me anything you like about the series. Favorite characters, favorite books, stuff about themes, puns, why Death is the best, who I’d like to be best friends with, etc. It doesn’t have to be all positive, nor does it have to be a question that can be answered with one word or a character name. Get philosophical! Think of it as a way for me to be reflective about this series in a way I would otherwise not be able to when reviewing individual parts.

I often host these when I finish a series, but that’s a long way off. I’ll do another one once I finish the last book! For now, I’ll just address what I’ve read, though you’re welcome to ask me about predictions, expectations, or desires. I am currently busy on my very last batch of reviews/videos that I need to write before my Worldcon/Europe tour, so I’ll be popping in every other hour or so when I’m not recording. And don’t feel like you need to only ask about Discworld. I’ll be reading every question, so if you’ve got a burning thing to ask of me, feel free!

Otherwise, HAVE FUN. You are also allowed to link/share non-spoilery fanart and fanfiction, too.

Mark Links Stuff

I am now on Patreon! There are various levels of support, from $1 up to whatever you want! You’ll get to read a private blog, extra reviews, and other such rewards.
– I will be at numerous conventions in 2016! Check the full list of events on my Tour Dates / Appearances page.
– My Master Schedule is updated for the near and distant future for most projects, so please check it often. My next Double Features for Mark Watches have been announced here.
- Mark Does Stuff is on Facebook! I’ve got a community page up that I’m running. Guaranteed shenanigans!

About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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1 Response to Mark Reads ‘Discworld’: Q&A (So Far)

  1. Steve says:


    A few questions :

    1. Pratchett and you obviously come from different places and different perspectives. Hew was British, white, straight, about 30 years older than you, etc., and these things obviously lead to differences in the way you and he look at the text. What do you think has been the biggest barrier/difference in assumptions between his writing and your reading of the text (I have no idea if this question makes sense.)

    2. The Color of Magic was written in 1983, Feet of Clay on 1996. How do you think his writing has changed over the 13 years.

    3. There are a bunch of subservient in the Discworld books…Rincewind, Death, The Witches, The City Watch. What’s your favorite and least favorite series and why?

    4. Which is your favorite book?

    5. Of all the characters, who would you most want to hang out with?

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