The Mark Does Stuff INTENSITY IN TEN CITIES Tour 2012


Here it is, the official dates of the FIRST Mark Does Stuff Tour:

2/18: Pittsburgh, PA – Literazzi Event. Eljay’s Books, 3:00pm – 4:00pm, with a meet-up afterwards to eat food and discuss stuff!
2/19: Cleveland, OH – Hyatt Regency Cleveland at the Arcade, Meeting Room 1, 4:00pm – 8:00pm
2/20: Detroit, MI – Detroit MGM Grand Hotel Starbucks, 5:00pm – 9:00pm
2/21: Toronto, ON – Lunik Co-Op Cafe, Glendon College, York University. 4-8pm!
2/23: Montreal, QB – Second Cup, 800 Place Victoria, 5:30pm-9:00pm
2/24: Boston, MA – Quincy Market, 6:00pm – 9:00pm, with possible event after this!
2/25: New York City, NY – Quidditch Match @ 1:00pm, Riverside Park Fields | Event @ Meeting Space, 11th Floor, 6:00pm – 9:00pm $5
2/27: Philadelphia, PA – Last Drop Coffee, 5:00pm-9:00pm
2/28: Washington, D.C. – University of Maryland, Art-Sociology Building, Room 1213, 5:00pm – 9:00pm; Meet-up in downtown D.C. and at Sticky Fingers Bakery earlier in the day.
2/29: Chicago, IL – Hilton Suites Chicago Magnificent Mile, 6:30pm – 9:00pm, with a meet-up at Chicago Diner BEFORE the event.

To contact me at any point during the trip, email me here:

markreadsandwatches [at] gmail [dot] com

You can also tweet me @MarkDoesStuff

Additionally, to help gauge the size of these events, please visit the Facebook link attached to each date and RSVP to say you are or might be going to the meet-up. If you do not have a Facebook, you can RSVP in the comments below!

I’ll have a Pigfarts Donation Fund tip jar with me on the road to help pay for this and to pay for hotels and such in cities where I don’t have any friends. Again, you can always buy my books at to support this. (PS: I finished designing the jar today. IT’S ADORABLE.)

I’m very excited for this, and I hope to meet a billion of you. If this goes well, I’ll book more tours this year to head to the south, more of the Midwest, the Pacific Northwest, western Canada, and my lifetime goal: going to the UK. LET’S DO THIS EVERYONE. oh god i am going to pass out from joy.

FOR EVERYONE CURIOUS ABOUT POSTING: Mark Reads will update throughout tour on schedule. No posts will be delayed. This is because I love you all so much.

If you would like to follow updates on tour, please check these out:

My Instagram username: markdoesstuff

My Facebook:

My Tumblr:

My Twitter: @MarkDoesStuff

Please come out if you can! The second and third tour are already being booked, so if you live elsewhere in the US or Europe, please visit this post to request that your city be visited on my promotional tour throughout 2012.

Thank you for making this happen. This is really a dream come true.

About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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165 Responses to The Mark Does Stuff INTENSITY IN TEN CITIES Tour 2012

  1. Esther says:

    I cannot wait. I may visit Cleveland this winter so I might see you twice and jasghk;ajsgh’dgjskj;adgjdftba

  2. lismk says:

    why no minnesota? *sad flail*

  3. "Midwest"

    YES! Chicago is a three hour drive from where I live, but maybe I'll have a more reliable form of transportation by then! This is awesome, I had no idea you had plans to venture all the way out here! I really hope I can make it.

  4. mollyworks says:

    Screw it, Mark. I'm going to skip rehearsal, go up to Toronto, and then take a bus back down REALLY LATE AT NIGHT just so I can go. BECAUSE IT WILL BE TUESDAY. BUT I DON'T CARE because IT'S GONNA BE TOTALLY AWESOME.

  5. rabidsamfan says:

    The phone number for the Boston Public Library is 617-536-5400 and you can ask for someone who can help you reserve a space. As long as the event is free and open to all, the space is free. If not at the main library, try one of the branches. You should have enough lead time — just try to make sure you choose a branch near an mbta stop.

    • xpanasonicyouthx says:


      • Fuchsia says:

        My mom's a librarian in southeast MA, I'll ask her if she has any direct contacts with Boston librarians [I've booked lots of events in Chicago libraries and it's really easy, I'd imagine that Boston would be easy too]. It's a Friday night soooo depending on my job situation at the time, that shouldn't be a problem to take the train up from Providence, depending on what time the event starts. But libraries generally close early on Fridays [like, 5ish] so that might prove to be an issue for… well, a lot of people. Also, I haven't met up with them since I've moved back [although I used to hang out with them all the time when I lived in Chicago, how weird is that] but HP-MA is based in Boston and would be really useful to contact. They don't have a proper website but you can friend them on facebook and contact them that way:

        And I live down by Providence, which isn't even in MA but honestly isn't far from Boston [it's about a 45 minute drive] so if nothing else works out, you are totally welcome to come hang out with my five cats and crash in the spare bedroom.

        Ooh, and for Chicago, the Evanston library is REALLY awesome about events [we had wizard rock shows there every summer and they love any HP related programming]. It's one of the suburbs but it's honestly just across the city border, the el goes there and everything, so it's still really accessible from the city. Oak Park is another suburb where we've had a lot of wizard rock events [both the library and a bookstore, Magic Tree Books]. It's also accessible by the el, as it's right along the west border of the city. [I used to bike both to Evanston and Oak Park on a regular basis so in my eyes, if they weren't too far to bike to from the middle of Chicago, it's a good distance for city dwellers.]

        In the city proper, you've got a lot of libraries with big meeting spaces [you have to book at least two weeks in advance, and the big main library downtown isn't free but the other libraries are, but otherwise booking is fairly simple… unless you want to sell merchandise]. There are also a lot of independent book/comic shops but many are too small to have events… I used to have a list of book stores that our wrock band could perform in, I'll see if I can pull it up from all my old emails. We played at Bucket O'Blood once, which is a punk book/record store and it's as awesome as it sounds, and they were totally open to having more events [we played there like, a month after they opened… that was two years ago now]. Even if you don't have the event there, you should check out the shop because it is awesome. Also, it's in Logan Square so it's surrounded by delicious vegan food.

        Okay I know I'm not in Chicago anymore so I can't actually *organize* any of this but I obviously have lots of suggestions!

        • PewPewPew says:




          I NEED THIS


  6. stargaterejects says:

    Oh god I wish I had a car so I could drive up to Montreal… the 14-hour drive would be so worth it. Oh well, I guess I gotta hope you'll come to Atlantic Canada sometime 🙁

  7. nathanielessex says:

    or instead of the UK you could come to Australia. I'm sure that my sister, who also frequents this site, would be more than happy to let you crash at her house in Melbourne.

  8. sharayah says:

    Please make this tour awesome so Mark can come to Vancouver!!

  9. Kari18212 says:

    Chicago!!!!! I was so hoping Midwest would include somewhere close and Chicago made the list!!! Only two ish hours away this will be TOTALLY AWESOME!

  10. Suzannezibar says:

    YAY, excitement!!! I will be there in New York! 😀

  11. xSarahx says:

    Oh Pleeeaaassee let this go well. I would love for you to come to Louisville KY. HORSES MARK. WE HAVE HORSES. Ok it's more urban and that's really around derby time, but still. I AM TRYING REALLY HARD TO CONVINCE YOU.

    • xpanasonicyouthx says:


      • Jenny_M says:

        Then after you go to Louisville you can drive just a couple of hours south to Nashville where we have MORE THAN JUST COUNTRY MUSIC CONSARNIT.

      • xsarahx says:

        Here is to hoping I won't have an inconvienant orchestra or chorus concert when and if you make it here!

      • Parmadil says:

        YESYESYES!! Kentucky is awesome, and Louisville is only like an hour away for me!! (Though Lexington, KY is also an awesome city, AND we're the Horse Capital of the World AND we have the most kick-ass mayor EVER!)

        • xSarahx says:

          Woo! My old teacher was from Lexington. I've never been but I've past through a couple of times when I was younger. I went to Bardstown, KY for performing purposes once. My Brother said he would take me, considering he introduced me to Markreads. But yes, COME VISIT THE MUSEUMS AND STROLL DOWN BARDSTOWN ROAD WHERE WE HAVE OUR ANNUAL ZOMBIE WALK THE DAY BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY.

  12. platoapproved says:

    OH MAN you are going to be in D.C., that isn't that far. So… I have from now until the end of February to get everyone I know at UVa addicted to your stuff so I can convince them to come on a mass pilgrimage with me to the event. When I get back to campus, if you don't have any more solid plans by then, I'll try to ask around the D.C. kids if any of them know of any venues/fan groups.

  13. Marissa says:

    Perfect timing! I am 99% sure I will be able to attend the Montreal date since it is so conveniently on my spring break. 🙂

  14. Natasha says:


  15. Rachel Fatale says:

    I will totally go see you whenever you do anything around Portland.

    I haven't seen you since 2004! And that was very brief!

  16. katherinemh says:

    YES, WEEKEND! Unless there is a blizzard and I cannot get back home from school, I will totally be coming to the Pittsburgh event! Woooo!

  17. @bonez565 says:

    W00t, glad to see a Detroit area event! Consider this my RSVP ( I don't like Facebook, on general principal).

    Also, can't wait for the MRHP books.

  18. Sonja says:

    I'm so excited that you're coming to Toronto!

  19. Claire says:

    I live in DC HOORAY. We have a few really excellent independent bookstores if you want to call and see if you can meet there–try Politics and Prose, they often host writers/writing events AND they are next door to AWESOME PIZZA.

  20. xpanasonicyouthx says:


    • Rachael says:


    • PewPewPew says:






  21. thestaticinhersmile says:

    Ooh I will definitely try to attend the one in NYC.

    I think I've also eaten at at least half the vegan restaurants in NYC, if you need any recommendations.

  22. magpie says:

    YES YOU WILL BE IN DC!!! Places I know of are Politics and Prose, as well as Busboys and Poets, but I have no clue what the story is on reservations. I know Harry and the Potters did a concert at the MLK Jr. Library back in July, so you could probably get event space there or likely any other DC Public Library.

    Also, if you need a place to crash in DC, my couch is free– I live in hippie-friendly Takoma Park, also home of Mark's Kitchen, a vegetarian/vegan Korean/American fusion place which you HAVE to eat at while you're here! I mean… it has YOUR NAME IN IT. IT IS MEANT TO BE.

    SO PSYCHED!!!!!

    • bookworm67 says:

      OH MY GOD I live in takoma park and eat at Mark's Kitchen and live just down the road from it! I wonder if I know you. (Probably not though).

      But yes, clearly Mark eating at Mark's Kitchen is destiny. YOU CANNOT ESCAPE IT.

    • @GalFawkes says:

      Does it have to be DC proper or can it be in the suburbs? But I would highly recommend eating at Busboys and Poets.

    • Caitlin says:

      I am a complete and total lurker on here, but if Mark is going to DC and we are making recommendations for places to eat, I have to actually break my silence to say Sticky Fingers Vegan Bakery ( is always on my list of places to go. My old college roommate lives really close and we swing by there whenever I make it out of my Virginia Suburb to see her. They have the best Sticky Buns. I hope yo enjoy your tour Mark!

    • ZeynepD says:

      Upvoting Mark at Mark's Kitchen. Also offering crash space, but I live in Hyattsville. Sadly, don't have any leads for a venue. Any updates for DC yet?

      • xpanasonicyouthx says:

        I have the venue, I just have to be confirmed for one more thing before I announce it.

      • xpanasonicyouthx says:


        I'm speaking at the University of Maryland off the College Park Metro stop. It's in the evening. If that is out of the way, I'm hosting a meet-up in downtown DC earlier in the day and having a late lunch at Sticky Fingers before the event. 🙂

        • ZeynepD says:

          You're speaking. At the campus. I work in.

          I have lost. The ability. To sentence.

          (Is "EEEEEEEEEE?!" a grammatically correct sentence? Also, can I help with transportation or food/coffee afterwards or something similar, at this point?)

        • sixth_queen says:

          Quick word of info. The University of Maryland isn't just "off the College Park Metro stop." It's, what, a half hour walk?… so you should plan some extra travel time.They have a shuttle, and I don't think you need a UMD ID for it. UMD folks can you confirm? I don't know it very well.

  23. Meg says:


    But this tour sounds really fantastic, have fun!

  24. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Chicago. February. I might actually be able to make it. And HP/Twilight readings… yeah, I need to try and be there.

    Oh and Merry Christmas! XD

  25. laura says:

    Philly and Pitt, conveniently I have colleges to visit in both of these cities! I CAN TOTALLY WORK SOMETHING OUT!!!!! (or just skip school…senoritis alksdfjkdfk) Haha I saw East Coast and I was like "Philly, Philly, there has to be one in Philly!!!" Very cool that you're doing this, hope that I can go to one~

    Merry Christmas! 😀

  26. feminerdist says:

    COME TO THE SOUTH, YES! And one of the cities you should pick is New Orleans, yup yup!

    Merry Christmas!

  27. Patrick721 says:

    I might be able to make the chicago one. I go to school in Michigan, so I'll have to see what my schedule's like.

  28. notemily says:

    Ah, no Milwaukee, but I might be able to make it down to Chicago! Fun times!

  29. arnenieberding says:

    There's no Belgium on that list.

    "Arne, Belgium is not really close to ANYWHERE on that list."

    Shhh… No one needs to know.


  30. cait0716 says:

    Sweet! I will definitely be at the DC meetup. I can't wait!

  31. Genny_ says:

    OH MY GOSH I HOPE YOU DO COME TO THE UK SOMETIME. I would move heaven and earth to go see you, tbh. 😀

  32. Hannah says:

    This sounds amazing! I wish that I was going to be home (NY) in February 🙁

  33. Yana says:

    Mark, this sounds truly awesome! Does "all over the world" mean you'll visit other places than in the UK? Nevertheless, even the UK is great, because it's somewhere near me. 🙂
    Hope you have fun on this tour!

  34. jeather says:

    The single day in February that I am busy and THAT is the day you are coming to Montreal? Alas. I do know of a bunch of vegan or vegetarian-but-vegan-friendly restaurants.

    • xpanasonicyouthx says:

      Are you busy ALL day? What about the evening before? I should actually arrive in Montreal the night before the planned meet-up.

      • jeather says:

        I work during the day and have tickets to a show that night, and will most likely be going to dinner with the friend I am seeing the show with. All day the 23rd. I am free the night before and would be happy to meet up then. (I don't comment here, ever, but I've been reading regularly since some point in Harry Potter. And I love Buffy and am so enjoying seeing you respond to it, unspoiled; it's like watching it for the first time again. "Angel is a vampire! WTF!")

  35. @chibiwonder says:

    You're going on tour, and I'm sitting on the west coast cursing my lack of funds. DAMMIT! Hurry to the Pacific NW, Mark!

  36. drop_and_roll says:

    Mark! If you come to the UK you HAVE to visit Oxford. You can go to the Botanic Garden and look for the bench that Lyra and Will meet on! You can go to The Eagle and Child pub where Tolkein would meet up with the other Inklings and talk about literature. You can take a tour of the Bodleian Library (known as Bodley's Library in Lyra's Oxford) which is just amazing. And since 2012 is the 75th anniversary of the publication of The Hobbit, they should have some really good Tolkein exhibitions since they have a lot of his illustrations (as mentioned in this article…. Also some of the first Harry Potter films was filmed in bits of the Library (and also at Christ Church college). Essentially, it's pretty much the ultimate Mark Reads destination.

    • drop_and_roll says:

      Just realised I misspelt Tolkien twice in that comment. Whoops. But in my defence, the url I posted spells it wrong too!

    • vermillioncity says:

      I SECOND THIS AMAZING PROPOSAL but would like to add that Mark, you are simply not allowed to go to England while I'm not there (I'm British but living in Japan) SO LIKE, BEAR THIS IN MIND, OKAY?

  37. sabra_n says:

    Depending on where I'm living at the time, I'd like to RSVP for either Philadelphia or NYC.

  38. @GalFawkes says:

    OMG OMG OMG YOU PICKED DC? OK so this venue isn't quite DC proper, it's in the suburbs, in Vienna, Virginia. There's a place called Jammin' Java which is quite nice. It's on the route of a Metrobus (route 2T) from the Dunn Loring metro station.

  39. amyalices says:

    We support you in your endeavors towards the UK!

    I'm sure some of us can offer tourguiding, and possibly help with places to stay – we may be reserved as a nation, but we do also reliably ply people with tea and cake.

  40. Drake says:

    Whoa! Awesome. I was not prepared for this. I’m totally coming to the New York event! This is gonna be so cool!

  41. Elexus Calcearius says:

    Hope y'all have fun! You're not dropping by anywhere I live, but I still wish you all the best.

  42. kate worthen says:

    Please come farther south!

  43. @silmerin says:


    idgaf about anything else I AM GOING TO THE BOSTON ONE. THIS IS HAPPENING.

  44. Lady X says:

    I might maybe be able to go to D.C! Fingers crossed! 😀

  45. David M.B. says:

    Hi Mark, this is David, from the San Diego hangout at Claire de Lune's (the one guy that showed up there except you, haha) and I just wanted to say how much I really enjoyed meeting you and hanging out. It was really a pleasure, and a very nice way to spend an evening at the end of the year. Thanks for coming down. Be sure to post whenever you'll be appearing near here again. (And when you'll be doing a "Rent" night, doing Disneyland, and going to a showing of "The Room"!)

  46. pennylane27 says:

    I have never hated not living in the USA more than I do right now. Goddamn why was I born so far away from everything? And why is it so expensive to travel there for me? And it would have been the best birthday present ever. FUCK THIS SHIT. URUGUAY YOU SUCK.

    Okay, I've calmed down. I'm still very happy for you Mark and I will continue to support you in all your endeavours. Maybe one day you'll come to South America.

  47. SiobhanC says:

    Very jealous UK fan here! I would love you to visit here someday I would travel to wherever in the country you would go too. 😀

  48. Smurphy says:


  49. *flails* Omg you're coming to Pittsburgh! I'm so going.

  50. Andrew says:

    Pittsburgh first? Fuck yeah.

    I put it as a maybe on FB just 'cause I'm never sure what'll be going on, but I should be able to make it. Should be good times!

  51. caysie renee says:

    I will make it down to Detroit on that day even if it is the very last thing I ever do.

    • babsspam says:

      Are you north of Detroit? If so, we can carpool!

      • jenesaispas21 says:

        OMG, yay, people going to the Detroit one… I want to go so bad, but it's going to be a stretch to leave work early, since I live an hour and a half away…I'm trying!!

  52. msw188 says:

    This is a 'maybe' RSVP for the Pittsburgh date. I will be in State College (teaching!), but that's a weekend, so it should be doable. Plus, a friend asked me about possibly going to see PFunk in Feb in Pittsburgh, and I THINK it's this same weekend. Harry Potter in the afternoon and George Clinton in the evening?????

  53. Saber says:


  54. Jen says:

    I read that as mark reads sandwiches @ gmail. I think I just showed what issues I have. >.>

    I would love if you could do more in the state you live in. >.>

  55. Anonymouse says:

    No Saskatchewan?!?!? Don't you want to come see our snow, and wheat, and more snow?

    I'm going to try to make it to either Montreal or Toronto, because they're the closest, and who needs money or an education anyways? If I don't though, I hope you have tons of fun and come home with lots of TOTALLY AWESOME stories of epic adventures.

  56. t09yavosaur says:

    I want to say put me down for Philly but it is a school night and my sisters birthday. DC is a school night as well and I don't know a way to get to NY so I'll say that I am a Maybe for one of those.

    • xpanasonicyouthx says:

      Are you coming from Philly? I'm taking Amtrak, I think. It's like $20. Or maybe it's a Chinatown bus?

      • t09yavosaur says:

        Probably but getting to Philly is part of the problem. My local public transportation is terrible on the weekend.

        [Also my mom would probably kill me if she found out I went to New York on my own, though that probably applies to DC and Philly too.]

        • xpanasonicyouthx says:

          Ahhh! well i'll be in Philly allllll day, so perhaps we could meet up earlier in the day? Unless you have school!

          • t09yavosaur says:

            Afternoon/evening is actually better, my classes are around noon. I'll have to consider the transportation schedules and I don't know what will be going on that week yet though so I think I still have to be a maybe.

      • t09yavosaur says:

        Ok, I have an itinerary and I'm getting my bag together. The earliest I can be there is 6 but, barring any local catastrophes I think I am going to make it.

  57. Kate says:

    This is so exciting Mark! We HAVE to have a Harry Potter discussion/readings/shenaniganry party in Toronto. Congrats and excellent job on this tour idea!

  58. theanagrace says:

    I will hopefully be able to come to the Montreal meet-up! I'm only 2 hours away, as opposed to 5 to Toronto. (If you wanted to come to Ottawa, I could take you skating on the canal :D)
    Awwwww yeah! This is going to be awesome!

  59. kissoffools says:


  60. Kel says:

    YES PLEASE COME TO THE UK it is wonderful here (especially the Cotswolds, which is just like the Shire :P)

  61. xpanasonicyouthx says:


  62. Heather says:

    Yes Chicago! However, you should cancel the Twilight readings because, well….duh. Just read Harry Potter and that's all. 😛

  63. stellaaaaakris says:

    I'm a MAYBE for NY! I really want to go, but it kinda depends on location and, you know, life. Weekdays usually work better for me since I work in the city, but don't live there, but I will try to free up that weekend! I want to meet everybody!

  64. Tabatha Ashley says:

    Omg Mark come south! 🙁 I second Gainesville FL. I live in Miami now, but truth is Miami blows… But you have plenty of fans in Gainesville at the University of Florida! I know, I introduced them and now we all fan girl over Mark reads/watches together lol

  65. Pingback: Mark Reads Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is out! (Plus more excitement) |

  66. Pingback: Hello everyone! Some important news for you. |

  67. Alan713ch says:

    No Colorado love? =(

  68. claretstock says:


  69. tofuamazon says:

    So excited that you're coming to Canada!!! If you can't come to Ottawa, Montreal is my next best choice. I'm gonna skip out on work early and I'll be there – be it by car, bus or dogsled.

  70. Avatar_Mom says:

    a wonderful place in chicago is the "chicago read write library". i am not sure how setting up a meet up would work, but you could try contacting them

    also, i fancy a tiny cafe called the bourgeois pig near depaul university. they are small, but offer vegetarian food (don't know how man vegan options there are).

    i live in the city, what sort of space would suit your venue?

  71. Avatar_Mom says:

    … grr, typo… "how man vegan… " should read, "how many vegan…" hope you forgive me 🙂

  72. Wheelrider says:

    Dangit all to heck! You are coming to my city while I'll be somewhere else. Hope you have a good time regardless.

  73. Kiryn says:

    I'm still mildly upset that you came to SoCal (the San Diego event) pretty much just as I left for NorCal. Sad times. Annnnnd I definitely won't be able to make any of these. More sad times. Oh well, I can hope that you schedule future dates in CA. COME TO FRESNO, MARK, EVEN THOUGH NO ONE LIKES FRESNO, BUT STILL, THIS WOULD BE EPIC!

    Or, you know, just the Central Valley in general. Or L.A. is doable. Or, you know, the West Coast in general. Or…I'll shut up now. 🙂

  74. t09yavosaur says:

    Mark! I don't know if you would be interested or have time while you are in town but I just found out that there is a Van Gogh exhibit at the Philiadelphia Museum of Art until May.

  75. Rachael says:

    If my parents let me go, I just might pass out from joy as well!

  76. Dave in ON says:

    Hi Mark. I have never commented here, but I've been reading your blog since around the middle of Eclipse.

    My husband and I live near Toronto but we're actually going to be in Montreal next week, so I'm dragging him to your event with me. 🙂

  77. Pingback: So, I am leaving on tour tomorrow! |

  78. Lori says:

    Sad that there's no stop in Seattle, since I'm no longer living in Chicago. On the other hand, the Chicago Diner is FREAKING AWESOME. Get a "milkshake."

  79. bell_erin_a says:

    MARK. I lurk around here sometimes because while I can't read LoTR right now, it is really, really entertaining to watch your unpreparedness and read the rot13'd comments!

    Anywho, just want to say again THAT I WOULD TOTALLY BE AT THE DC EVENT except for the fact that I'm leaving next week to study abroad. Details. But I hope you have a totally awesome time on tour!

  80. WindsName says:

    I wish I could go!

  81. stfg says:

    I'll be there this Sunday in Cleveland!

  82. floppus says:

    I'll be there in Boston!

  83. I am so glad I checked your blog (to see if you have watched Sherlock, which has invaded every cell of my mind and pumped every drop of my blood for the past month) and when I saw you are coming to Philly I was thrilled. I will be there if I possibly can. I've also submitted proposals to Ascendio, so if I'm lucky, I'll get to meet you twice this year. Thanks for putting Philly on your itinerary!

  84. Mark,

    I don't really "do" Facebook, so I'll tell you here for your RSVP numbers. I plan to attend the Chicago event. Can't wait.

  85. hootlord says:


  86. Pingback: ‘Mark Reads Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’ is out! |

  87. Pingback: Mark Does Stuff Tour 2013 |

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