Mark Reads ‘Trickster’s Queen’: Chapter 8

In the eighth chapter of Trickster’s Queen, I just sort of realized that there are like 260 pages left in this book, and a million things have already happened, so HOW IS THIS BOOK REAL. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to read Trickster’s Queen.

Chapter Eight: Plots Hatch


  • Oh my god, Trick waking Aly up by tickling her. Both super annoying and endlessly adorable.
  • WOW, THIS CHAPTER OPENS WITH A HUGE DEVELOPMENT: NOMRU WAS ARRESTED FOR POTENTIALLY TREASONOUS STATEMENTS AGAINST IMAJANE. Oh my god, one of the richest nobles in the entire Isles is in Kanodang jail. THIS SHIT JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER AND BETTER. And it’s such a complicated situation! Rubinyan can’t just let Nomru go, and then there’s the possibility that the Crown could just seize Nomru’s estates and money and THIS IS ALL SO CHAOTIC. I LOVE IT.
  • I admit that I did not once consider that Aly’s revenge was a risk at all, and so I think it’s cool that Tamora Pierce forces us to think about another perspective on her burning of the slave ships. It doesn’t change how cathartic it felt, but it’s important for Aly to acknowledge that there is an entire people’s freedom at stake here. Ultimately, she decides not to argue with Ulasim because she recognizes that her actions, while understandable and justified, could have risked the entire affair. I love this because it feels so different from Aly’s arrogant behavior in the previous book. She understands more than ever how serious and meaningful this is, so this felt like Aly being… well, really mature! CHARACTER GROWTH, I LOVE YOU.
  • The sheer number of times that Ulasim calls Aly “evil” in one way or another gives me LIFE. It’s beautiful. BEAUTIFUL.
  • “Ulasim gave her a look full of pity. ‘My dear, we have people everywhere.’ ” I LOVE THE DELIVERY ON THIS LINE.
  • It’s also not lost on me that Aly is slowly becoming the human version of Kyprioth. The level of glee she experiences at being a trickster herself is astounding.
  • AND THEN HER PLAN TO BREAK OUT THE PRISONERS UNDER THE GUISE OF LUARIN TRYING TO FREE NOMRU IS JUST TOO BRILLIANT FOR WORDS. It’s evil IT’S SO EVIL. Of course, Pierce doesn’t let us forget that as crafty and entertaining as these plans are, they are not without consequences. Deadly ones, at that. I guess I’d not really remembered how many people had died along the way, and Pierce’s reminder of that death was incredibly necessary to the narrative at this point. Ugh, am I going to have to start worrying about people dying in this book? Can I not? These are some of my favorite characters in all of the Tortall books, and I’d like to think of nothing but puppies and rainbows. 🙁
  • I’m totally here for Aly’s spies calling Aly out for being a hypocrite. It’s incredibly hilarious. Seriously: “Aly raised an eyebrow, not sure that she liked having her student quote her warnings back to her.” BLESS THESE SPIES. They’ve been trained well.
  • That being said, I also love that Jimarn, a runaway slave, backs Aly up, since she understands why Aly broke her own rules the night before.
  • “She had discovered that Trick vibrated when happy, a sign of contentment as soothing as, and more silent than, a cat’s purr.” I just want darking friends, okay? Okay.
  • Dove offering the man with the broken nose her handkerchief is REALLY AFFECTING ME RIGHT NOW. God, please tell me she gets some important position in Sarai’s eventual rule because SHE IS MY EVERYTHING.
  • Because seriously? “We’ll never all live together if the luarin don’t accept anyone whose skin is brown.” Thank you, Dove. This character was made for me.
  • ALL OF THE SUBTLE OPEN SHACKLE LOGOS IN TOWN ARE SO INSPIRING. Someone made them out of bulbs of garlic and leeks EDIBLE SIGNS OF REBELLION. How could you not like this???
  • Aly is truly evil here when she devises a way to keep Grosbeak in the city through the power of suggestion, all executed with the darking Peony. Y’all, her brain works on another wavelength, I swear. She sees opportunity in everything, and she doesn’t hesitate to take it when she knows it can fall in her favor. I admire that sort of bravery.
  • I also admire her willingness to flirt with hot boys because right. You’ll have to excuse me as this is a specific power fantasy of mine, and I found it remarkably easy to queer up the narrative through Aly here while she hit on Bacar. Plus, it’s refreshing to have the male gaze upturned and reversed, isn’t it?
  • HOLY SHIT, THE SLAVES RIOTED AFTER WHAT ALY AND HER FRIENDS DID. The slaves rioted!!!! This is unreal, y’all, and it’s all happening so fast. Hell, there’s still two thirds of this book left, too, so that kinda makes me nervous. WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN?

Please note the the original text/videos contain uses of the words “idiot,” “stupid,” and “mad.”

Part 1

Part 2

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About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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