Come see me at Ascendio 2012!

So I can finally announce one of many appearances I will be making in the future of Mark Reads, and this one is a way’s out, so it will allow those of you who wish to come time to save money and plan things out. Next summer, I’ll be appearing at HPEF’s Ascendio 2012 Conference! The wonderful folks who run this fantastic event have invited me to give a couple presentations, and I would love to meet those of you who are fans of Mark Reads and Mark Reads Harry Potter.

(You can click the image for more info on the Ascendio 2012 site.)

As it stands (and this may change as we get closer to the actual Convention), I’m planning on holding two discussions: one specifically for the Harry Potter series, and then a more open discussion/meet-and-greet where we can talk about any series I have reviewed for Mark Reads and Mark Watches.

Obviously, this is ten months away, but you can register now to attend. If you do, please make sure to put “Mark” or “Mark Reads” as your referral source so the fine folks who run Ascendio can keep track of such things.

I’ll update Mark Reads with more into as it is released. I hope that some of you can make a wonderful summer trip out to Orlando to hang out with me! WE CAN ALL GO TO THE WIZARDING WORLD OF HARRY POTTER AND THEN DISNEYWORLD AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN.

Thank you!

About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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55 Responses to Come see me at Ascendio 2012!

  1. SiobhanC says:

    I need to go to this … but I live in the UK. Clearly my life is tragic!

  2. Natalia (@mellafe) says:

    It's the same Hotel as LeakyCon. Alas, I live in Chile and had to save for a year to go to LeakyCon and see you all fine people. Best experience of my life, so far.

    I hope you get ever MORE people over there than at Leaky, and that someone (anyone!) records it so we can all see it afterwards 😀

    • Hi Natalia – same resort, but a different hotel from LeakyCon. We (HPEF) were at the Royal Pacific back in 2010, and wanted something different this time, so we've moved to the Portofino Bay which looks like either Malfoy Manor (fanon version) or Beauxbatons – it is insanely gorgeous:… (and there's a water slide at the pool).

    • mjay says:

      omg hello fellow Chilean! I am so jealous you went to leaky. The only awesome thing I've been to was comic-con san diego in 2008 (epicness).

      • Natalia (@mellafe) says:

        Hola!!! 😀

        I'm stupidly against comic-Con because I think I would explode if I went, haha. Fandom overload and whatnut. But this was about Harry Potter and there is nothing in the world I enjoy more, so that's why I went. I had such a blast seeing so many bands live and Starkid and Mark, of course. He is TALL. 😛

  3. KimberleyRenee says:

    Oh my! Mark you are coming back!! I must make another crown and perhaps even a sash! Anyway I will have seen you once a year for 3 years in a row. I feel like this is becoming something that needs to happen every year for the rest of forever 😀

    • guest_age says:

      You made the crown at LeakyCon? THAT WAS SO AMAZING AND YOU SHOULD FEEL AWESOME ABOUT IT! <3

      • xpanasonicyouthx says:


        holy fuck how have I lived my life up to this point without a sash.

        • KimberleyRenee says:

          You haven't really lived without a sash, your whole life has been a lie. Jeeze Mark get your shit together! hhaha anyway I will make you one I might even get a cape or something else ridiculous. All I know it this up coming year will be the best because I will be an ~adult~ with money and things. OOOH and Jamie and I are saving up to get a hotel room so we don't have to drive 40 minutes each way this year so we won't be zombies and we will be on time.

      • KimberleyRenee says:

        Yes I did! Thank you very much! I put my ~soul~ into it! It took like 45 minutes to make too!

  4. Linds Smart says:

    Question: Will you be posting any LeakyCon videos of your panel?

  5. Squee! I am planning to present there, too! So I will finally get to meet you. <3

  6. theanagrace says:

    Omg Mark! I am thrilled about this, especially because I already got my husband to agree that our vacation next year is going to be The Wizarding World of Harry Potter! Now I know what days we're going to go for!!!!! Wooooo! Party time!!!



  8. Jeanne says:

    Argg, why are all the Florida cons in such disgusting weather months? I was there in March and it was barely tolerable. Never again in July! *fistshake*

    • xpanasonicyouthx says:

      i know, i know. I was such a whiny asshole last time! I kept telling native Orlandians that they lived in hell to their faces. But the insides of every place are air-conditioned!

  9. Anonymouse says:

    Gorramit! I can't come! Post pictures or something?

    Also, COME TO CANADA SOMEDAY!!! I dont care where… I'll bring you cookies or something…

  10. Queenie says:

    I want to go so badly, but it’s the same week as my mission trip, gorramit

  11. adev0tchka says:

    Aww, I'm already going to the Wizarding World in December…FYI, Florida is very pleasant then.

    Are you planning on doing a nationwide tour? COME TO CHICAGO ASAP! Just, um, not in winter. Or else you'll never come back.

  12. rainbowsinside says:

    While it was amazing seeing you at Leaky and I would love to repeat that experience, I don't think I can afford another Florida convention that soon.

    It would be super awesome if you came to Texas at some point! I know we are home to many terrible things, such as Rick Perry, but it's not all bad. Austin is pretty damn awesome and definitely worth a visit (when it's not on fire).

  13. Kiwi says:

    I'm gonna be doing the International College Program at WDW all next year so I WILL DEFINITELY BE THERE. Unless they have me working because I'm pretty much not allowed to say no. BUT EXCITEMENT!

  14. Anseflans says:

    Whyyy do I have to live in Holland!? Markkk, come to Hollandddd. We have… Weed. And prostitutes. And… Tulips. And wooden shoes and windmills.
    Wow, I'm really making a case for myself, aren't I?

  15. momigrator says:

    I believe I may be able to swing this either by myself or with my boyfriend, I'd be interested in splitting the cost with others from here or with another couple. If anyone is interested, let me know.

  16. Saber says:

    Mark, clearly you must come to Canada. WE HAVE BEAVERS yes that is my pitch.


  17. LunaKyria says:

    I will be in Germany on exchange all year!!! You know, Mark, next year would totally be a wonderful time for you to take a trip to Europe…no? Damn! Or, look, you can take the entirety of next year to save up lots and lots of money and then come to Australia!! Y/Y? ^_^ XD

  18. blessthechildren says:

    I will be there with bells on 🙂

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