Tag Archives: mark reads infinite jest

Mark Reads ‘Infinite Jest’: pp 60-68

I’m actually enjoying the sensation that once I feel like I know what’s going on, David Foster Wallace laughs from his grave because this book is not really meant to be understood in any way I’m used to. And that … Continue reading

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Mark Reads ‘Infinite Jest’: pp 49-60

Given that it’s been far too long since I cracked open this book, it was a little tough to swallow the jarring style that David Foster Wallace has, but, as I said in past reviews, once you spend time with … Continue reading

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Mark Reads ‘Infinite Jest’: pp42-49

If one thing is clear about this book so far, it’s that DFW has a way with words. It’s not often that an author can use just a mere sentence to convey an entire story or event, but DFW can … Continue reading

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Mark Reads ‘Infinite Jest’: pp27-42

Well, now we’re getting to the real shit, aren’t we? It was incredibly hard for me to stop reading and I probably could have gobbled down another 25 pages before stopping, but then that would have been a whole lot … Continue reading

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Mark Reads ‘Infinite Jest’: pp17-27

I had my first drink when I was sixteen and it tasted miserable. I skipped beer (never much cared for it) in an effort to prove to my friend Andy that I had certainly drank before (I hadn’t) and that … Continue reading

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Mark Reads ‘Infinite Jest’: pp 1-17

It’s very easy for one to feel as if they are in over their head when reading this book. I’m not sure how far each of you has read in Infinite Jest, though I suspect those of you who are … Continue reading

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Mark Reads ‘Infinite Jest’ and other such announcements

Note: Please read this even if you have no interest in reading Infinite Jest, as it also contains scheduling information about reviews/posts on Mark Reads.

Posted in Catching Fire, Harry Potter, Infinite Jest, The Hunger Games | Tagged , , , , , | 185 Comments