Mark Reads ‘Tris’s Book’: Chapter 1

In the first chapter of Tris’s Book, I AM ALREADY OVERWHELMED BY THIS BOOK AND IT’S ONLY THE FIRST CHAPTER. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to read Circle of Magic.

Trigger Warning: For brief discussion of trauma, murder.

Ten days after the last book. I LOVE THAT THIS TAKES PLACE SO IMMEDIATELY AFTER SANDRY’S BOOK. And right off the bat, it’s also a lot more clear how Tris will be the focus of this narrative. Initially, we drawn right back into the terrifying events at the end of Sandry’s Book, though it’s through a nightmare of Tris’s. I’m actually pleased that I didn’t have to spend much time between these books because I can see how well this nightmare fits into my thoughts about trauma. I commented that Pierce did not ignore the physical or mental trauma that these kids experienced (and are experiencing) because of what happened in their cage below the earth, and it’s clear that it’s going to affect them all for a long time. Tris relives the feeling of hopelessness and pain she went through in her dreams, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the others were just as haunted as she was.

But she’s alive, and she’s in a place that is, more or less, a constant new adventure for her. Pierce highlights how strange it is for Trisana to feel permanence, and you better believe I’m about to project all over this character. Because I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THIS FEELS LIKE. I did not have my own place or any sort of privacy from September 2000 through the beginning of 2007. I went just over six years couch surfing, moving from one place to another, never owning more than could fit into a couple boxes or duffle bags in case I needed to move again, and never believed I deserved my own space. And now, Tris is joined with these three other mages who have all been through some rough shit, she’s got teachers who respect and understand her, and she has her own room. SHE HAS HER OWN ROOM, DO YOU KNOW HOW IMPORTANT THAT IS.

This is just part of her slow growth, of course. The concept of a home is new to her, but so is her concept of a family or a circle of friends. Like Briar, Tris is a thorny sort of person. She’s not quick to make friends, though her trust issues have a different context than Briar’s. Still, she’s trying to change. Consciously so! She doesn’t complain about the other Discipline students coming along with her to the wall to cool off, and then she is ACTUALLY AFFECTIONATE AND MY HEART IS GOING TO BURST:

A part of Tris was dismayed: What had she turned into? Two months ago, she never could have made such an offer to anyone, particularly not an adult.

Two months ago she had come to Discipline cottage. Now she had days when she wasn’t sure who she was, but she knew that she liked the change.

I totally understand why she’s “dismayed” at this change in her behavior. It’s scary to suddenly feel like you can offer affection to someone else, particularly since Tris herself has never been comfortable treating others this way. She’s disagreeable and abrupt for a reason, and it’s allowed her to protect herself. But after two months in this place, she’s seeing new ways to look at others, and I’d like to think she’s starting to take her guard down. Slowly, of course, and it’s understandable that she’s not rushing into the arms of anyone.

That’s why it’s so fascinating that this story is putting her in a situation where she has to be closer than usual to the other three characters. At the end of Sandry’s Book, we found out that the shared magic meant that the kids could communicate with one another through their thoughts. But it’s more than just that; this circle of magic means that each is aware of the magic another is using. In this case, they can all hear the same voices that Tris hears that are carried on he winds. I’m super excited to see how this will manifest with the others’ magic. Will they be able to access each other’s powers if necessary? How else can they amplify their own power through unity? (THROUGH FRIENDSHIP. OMG CIRCLE OF FRIENDSHIP.)

I’m also pleased that there’s already a conflict: MURDER MYSTERY. The quartet overhears the dramatic murder of a woman who appeared to be helping smugglers??? I’m uncertain about that because there was only so much information I could glean from a conversation, but the Whiner and the Gruff Man clearly hid something illegal in that woman’s house. They had a mage on their side who used magical cords to light a lighthouse and a watchtower on fire, ostensibly to conceal evidence. SO WHAT HAPPENED? Oh, I do love a good murder mystery. I CAN’T WAIT.

The original text contains use of the word “crazy.”

Mark Links Stuff

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– My older sister needs help with her transition, so I’ve agreed to read all of Fifty Shades of Grey on YouTube if we can help her reach her goal!
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– Please check out the All Mark Watches videos for past shows/season are now archived there!
– I will be at quite a few conventions and will be hosting numerous events throughout 2014. Please check my Tour Dates/Appearances page often to see if I’m coming to your city!

About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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