Mark Reads Harry Potter books available in paperback!

Hello, Readers and Harry Potter fans! I have two wonderful physical books for purchase that were previously unavailable because my artist did not have access to the program she uses while she was out of school. You can now own two more Mark Reads Harry Potter books in paperback form!

Let’s all marvel at these wonderful covers:

Mark Reads Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Mark Reads Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Both books are available in my Lulu storefront.

- Mark Reads Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is just $16. It’s 377 pages long, contains all the old reviews PLUS 35 brand new reviews I wrote earlier this year, and I cry in footnotes a lot.
Mark Reads Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is just $14. It is 274 pages long, contains all the old reviews PLUS 19 brand new reviews I wrote a couple months ago. (Some chapters are combined for clarity/flow.)

Oh gosh, this means that I’ve got just ONE MRHP book left to finish. HOW SAD. The physical copy will be available at the same time as the digital one, and I hope to have the first draft finished some time next month. Once again, thanks for your support, and thank you to Hannah Ambruso for designing these fabulous covers!

About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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