Mark Reads ‘Catching Fire’: Chapter 19

In the nineteenth chapter of Catching Fire, Katniss enters a Hunger Games arena for the second time in her life, where she discovers that there is no end to the violent, sadistic imagination of the Gamemakers. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to read Catching Fire.

I think Collins is aware that she is retreading the same ground as The Hunger Games, because she tries wonderfully at making sure this all has a new dynamic and a fresh context. What’s immediately different is the pace of this all. I suppose that goes for the entire book and not just chapter 19, which is the beginning of “Part III, The Enemy.” There’s no slow, dramatic build up like last time. Katniss is thrust into the arena immediately after watching Cinna get beat into unconsciousness.

Where are you? I can still make no sense of my surroundings. Where are you?! I demand an answer from myself and slowly the world comes into focus. Blue water. Pink sky. White-hot sun beating down. All right, there’s the Cornucopia, the shining gold metal horn, about forty yards away. At first, it appears to be sitting to be sitting on a circular island. But on closer examination, I see thin strips of land radiating from the circle like the spokes on a wheel. I think there are ten twelve, and they seem equidistant from one another. Between the spokes, all is water. Water and a pair of tributes.

I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW THIS WAS POSSIBLE. Though, that’s a silly thought. The Gamemakers can do whatever they want. But an arena that opens completely in water? Forcing them to swim right off the bat is totally scary. What if you can’t swim? Are tributes going to drown in the rush to the Cornucopia?

Katniss tastes a drop of the water and figures it’s just saltwater and when the gong sounds, she wastes no time heading straight for the Cornucopia. Here’s what completely weirded me out, though:

I pull myself, dripping, onto the land strip and sprint down the sandy stretch for the Cornucopia. I can see no one else converging from my side, although the gold horn blocks a good portion of my view. I don’t let the thought of adversaries slow me down, though. I’m thinking like a Career now, and the first thing I want is to get my hands on a weapon.

There doesn’t seem to be a mad dash like the year before, in part because of the water, but it’s also weird based on the fact that I’m still clinging to the idea that there are going to be tributes who don’t play the Games like they should be played.

The first true example of this is Finnick, who is the second person to arrive at the Cornucopia. After exchanging a few words and briefly commenting on the arena, both of them poised to attack each other, Finnick states, “Lucky thing we’re allies. Right?”

Sensing a trap, I’m about to let my arrow fly, hoping it finds his heart before the trident impales me, when he shifts his hand and something on his wrist catches the sunlight. A solid-gold bangle patterned with flames. The same one I remember on Haymitch’s wrist the morning I began training. I briefly consider that Finnick could have stolen it to trick me, but somehow I know this isn’t the case. Haymitch gave it to him. As a signal to me. An order, really. To trust Finnick.

So now Katniss has an ally. Did Haymitch speak with Finnick? Why did he arrange to do this beforehand? There’s no real point to thinking about this, though, because Finnick instantly proves that he means it.

“Duck!” Finnick commands in such a powerful voice, so different from his usual seductive purr, that I do. His trident goes whizzing over my head and there’s a sickening sound of impact as it finds its target. The man from District 5, the drunk who threw up on the sword-fighting floor, sinks to his knees as Finnick frees the trident from his chest. “Don’t trust One and Two,” Finnick says.

Well, the first person has died at the hands of Finnick. Just like that. The two of them discover there is nothing but weapons at the Cornucopia. After grabbing a few, Katniss shoots an arrow at Enobaria and misses, but manages to put one into Gloss’s calf. When Finnick calls out that Brutus is about to attack, Katniss fires an arrow at him.

I shoot at him and he manages to block the arrow with his belt before it can skewer his liver. Where it punctures the belt, a purple liquid spews forth, coating his face.

Ok, I want to know what is in these belts. Now.

Katniss notices that Peeta is STILL ON HIS METAL PLATE. Well, apparently he can’t swim, so, again, proving that his ally-status is very real (for the time being), he actually goes after him. Let’s talk about Mags, though:

A quick survey of the rest of the arena shows that most of the tributes are still trapped on their plates. Wait, no, there’s someone standing on the spoke to my lfet, the one opposite Peeta. It’s Mags. But she neither heads for the Cornucopia nor tries to flee. Instead she splashes into the water and starts paddling toward me, her gray head bobbing above the waves. Well, she’s old, but I guess after eighty years of living in District 4 she can keep afloat.

MAGS FOR PRESIDENT. Oh my god, I love her. I have a feeling we’ll see a lot more of her living inside the world in her head and loving her forever. I mean, as Katniss points out, she’s the best person to make fishhooks. SHE IS THE VERY BEST ALLY POSSIBLE.

With one hand he reaches into the water and scoops out Mags like she weighs no more than a puppy. She makes some remark that I think includes the word “bob,” then pats her belt.

“Look, she’s right. Someone figured it out.” Finnick points to Beetee. He’s flailing around in the waves but managing to keep his head above water.

“What?” I say.

“The belts. They’re flotation devices,” says Finnick. “I mean, you have to propel yourself, but they’ll keep you from drowning.”

Ahhh! That’s pretty neat, but does that mean this is going to work against Brutus’s advantage, since he now lost the belt? I suppose not, since it seems he was able to swim to the Cornucopia.

The four of them (Katpee, Finnick, and Mags) head out into the arena, where we learn that the giant body of water is just one part of the place. I imagine it might have all ended too quickly if the entire arena was water and the Gamemakers want it to last a good amount of time, right?

A good portion of the arena is a jungle, which is a foreign concept to Katniss, who would have never seen one in District 12. They move quickly through the jungle and they even go a mile before resting. Oh, and Finnick is CARRYING MAGS THE ENTIRE TIME. BAMF FOREVER.

Katniss takes the time to climb a tree to get a better view of the arena:

Around the Cornucopia, the ground appears to be bleeding; the water has purple stains. Bodies lie on the ground and float in the sea, but at this distance, with everyone dressed exactly the same, I can’t tell who lives or dies. All I can tell is that some of the tiny blue figures still battle. Well, what did I think? That the victors’ chain of locked hands last night would result in some sort of universal truce in the arena? No, I never believed that. But I guess I had hoped people might show som….what? Restraint? Reluctance, at least. Before they jumped right into massacre mode. And you all knew each other, I think. You acted like friends.

Ha, I sort of feel Collins wrote this section specifically for my brain. I mean, how many times so far have I mentioned that I felt that the tributes would act against the normal rules of the Games? I feel a bit embarrassed. I suppose it was a bit foolish of me to expect that everyone would just start an uprising in an arena designed to murder people. If there’s any place where I should expect people to play by the rules, it’s in the arena.

Finnick is much more perceptive than I am:

“Because whatever happened in the past is in the past. And no one in this arena was a victor by chance.” He eyes Peeta for a moment. “Except maybe Peeta.”

Oh shit, that’s a good point. Is Peeta the only victor who never killed anyone? Katniss, realizing this, suddenly is inspired to kill Finnick, right then and there, because, as she puts it, “The people in this arena weren’t crowned for their compassion.” She weights the risks, but Peeta unknowingly blocks her from doing so, and it causes her to think that maybe she’s being too premature. He has been doing some good for them, so maybe she can use him in the future.

But this isn’t the Hunger Games without some shockingly violent plot twists. As they come to the crest of a hill, Katniss hopes that there will be something on the other side to drink.

But there is no other side. I know this before anyone else, even though I am farthest from the top. My eyes catch on a funny, rippling square hanging like a warped pane of glass in the air. At first I think it’s the glare from the sun or the heat shimmering up off the ground. But it’s fixed in space, not shifting when I move. And that’s when I connect the square with Wiress and Beetee in the Training Center and realize what lies before us. My warning cry is just reaching my lips when Peeta’s knife swings out to slash away some vines.

Holy shit, they found the edge of the arena already? I figured this wouldn’t happen until much, much later. Also PEETA WATCH OUT.

There’s a sharp zapping sound. For an instant, the trees are gone and I see open space over a short stretch of bare earth. Then Peeta’s flung back from the force field, bringing Finnick and Mags to the ground.

I rush over to where he lies, motionless in a web of vines. “Peeta?” There’s a faint smell of singed hair. I call his name again, giving him a little shake, but he’s unresponsive. My fingers fumble across his lips, where there’s no warm breath although moments ago he was panting. I press my ear against his chest, to the spot where I always rest my head, where I know I will hear the strong and steady beat of his heart.

Instead, I find silence.

No. No, you can’t do that. The Games just started. Are you seriously killing him off right now? Oh my god, what the fuck. 🙁

About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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272 Responses to Mark Reads ‘Catching Fire’: Chapter 19

  1. bingo007 says:

    what happened to infinite jest?

    • cait0716 says:

      I agree

    • BradSmith5 says:

      Well, I was looking around the store for a paperback copy, but then I realized that the massive slab of book propped up on the shelf WAS the paperback copy. As I reached for the cover someone from behind shouted a warning just as a "sharp, zapping sound" bounced me away. The same thing happened to Mark, I'm assuming. 😉

      • cait0716 says:

        I got it my kindle and thankfully have no physical concept of how large this book is.

        Though I do seem to be stuck at 1% completed no matter how much I read…

        • exbestfriend says:

          Is it weird that I am considering buying a Kindle just so I don't have to lug the actual book around?

          • farrah D. says:

            ugh don't get a kindle pleaseeeeee
            I have a list of reasons i don't like the kindle and it's too long to type up and im not in the mood to do that lolol

            • cait0716 says:

              I've heard a lot against the Kindle. The contrast can be hard to manage if you have poor eyesight. it's more like black on gray than black on white. And some people really don't like that it isn't backlit. Personally, that's what pushed me to the Kindle over anything else. I stare at a computer screen all day and the strain on my eyes gets to be a bit much.

              The Kindle doesn't have any color. So I still have to buy physical copies of graphic novels and anything with pictures. I'm okay with that, not everyone is.

              Also, the text-to-speech isn't the best feature, and I've heard complaints about this especially from the blind community. Again, that's not a feature I plan to use, so it doesn't bother me.

              Certainly every e-reader has it's pros and cons and it really comes down to what you want out of it. If you're going to get one, do some research and figure out what will work best for you.

        • bingo007 says:

          i managed upto 10% after reading for three days.and then i remembered ‘you got your exams in a month’.so i promptly stopped reading and will continue after feb 20th.
          but the book was great and it seems to have got a billion subplots.dunno how the author is going to the everything together.

        • BradSmith5 says:

          Oh man, I thought the book was a wall-size poster hanging in the store for a second. And geez, opening to the first page! It was like emerging from the glass tube into the arena––only instead of the sea lay an endless paragraph that extended without breaks over tiny-print pages forever!

          How many gigabytes of external hard drives do you need to fit the thing on a Kindle!?

        • evocativecomma says:

          Infinite Jest, is 1176 pages, and that's the 6"x10" book. It doesn't come in a standard paperback size because it would be too big for the binding.

  2. Pan says:

    Urgh. My guess was, that Peeta would die at the end of the third book. Right now is… surprising.

    Do not like.

    • kaybee42 says:

      Yeah I was all "lalala Peeta is safe till AT LEAST the end of this book! Maybe he will die and trigger an uprising for thethird? or maybe he will die at the end of the third right when they nearly win a war against the Capitol, to make it really bittersweet…" But no. Now. Now THAT is a good plot twist, Collins!

    • prideofportree says:

      Collins is even worse than Rowling or Whedon. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE.

      • forthejokes says:

        Hahaha. Now I think about it, I can't think of who's worse out of those three. I think they're all amazing at plot twists, but the way Collins pulled out Katniss having to go back into the arena is possibly one of the best things I've ever read. And pretty much the main reason that Catching Fire is my favourite.

  3. cait0716 says:

    These books are just brutal.

  4. herpestidae says:

    I really liked the opening for the games this time around. But it makes me wonder how the Gamemakers planned to off people who stepped off the plates too early. I wanted someone to try for the hell of it and then get eaten by a giant squid or something.

  5. Erica says:

    If I learned anything from what happened to the flawless Cinna, it's that Collins' ability to crush our souls knows no bounds! And to think the Games have barely just started o.0

  6. bingo007 says:

    twist after twist.quarter quell is madness.i still dont trust finnick.know the enemy katpee.

    • cait0716 says:

      My brain really, really wants that to be a haiku. I don't know why, it clearly isn't. But I keep forcing a rhythm to it when I read it and then it's like my brain trips at the end.

      • paulineparadise says:

        3 syllables
        6 syllables
        6 syllables
        7 syllables

        Nope, doesn't make sense.

        • tethysdust says:

          Finnick: Friend or Foe?
          The quarter quell is madness
          Know your enemy

          I couldn't get the "twist after twist" line in there

          • bingo007 says:

            guys…i couldn’t write a haiku even if you give me a million bucks.
            my comment war simple because that was as complex as i could write without making a gramm error.

          • cait0716 says:

            Perhaps "twisting and twisting"?

            • paulineparadise says:

              I can't make haikus but I can make this:

              With the Quarter Quell,
              Nothing is well
              Twist after twist,
              A long victims list

              Can Finnick be trusted,
              Or will he be busted
              To be a traitor,
              Revealing his true colours later

              But how about Mags,
              With her unsteady legs
              What if she out of nowhere,
              War will declare

              So Katniss, darling
              Don't start any quarrelling,
              And for Katpee:
              Know the enemy.

              • capnoa says:

                I love all the "Know the enemy" lines but in my head I read it "Know thy Enemy"…so much more like poetry haha, these are amazing! I thought of my own Haiku but to not spoil anything I have to wait a few chapters =X


              • Gillyweed says:

                I wanna try 🙂 hem hem:
                There was this guy from number four,
                who liked girls and swooned them all,
                all but one, twelve is her number,
                dark dark thoughts disturb her slumber
                now she wonders is he truly a foe.

                Yeah, it's been a while :$

                • paulineparadise says:

                  I found this on Dan Bergstein's blog:

                  By Daniel Adam Bergstein

                  Harry Potter is strong and gifted with power.
                  He can do marvelous things, make enemies cower.
                  But he doesn't know math; they don't teach that at 'Warts.
                  So I'm wiser than he, and his mathless cohorts.
                  Suck on that, Mr. Potter. You're not so great.
                  What good is a wand, if you can't calculate?
                  Run away with your spells and philosopher rocks.
                  I'll rule your world with a basic knowledge of stocks.

                  And someone commented:
                  Wizards Win
                  By sgtpepper191

                  Your words are quite wise, Dan, they make lots of sense.
                  But as to your poem, in Harry's defence:
                  Wizards don't need math, it'd just bring them down.
                  But who could do spellwork while wearing a frown?
                  There are spells for all things, like Stunning and socks.
                  I bet there's even one to turn enemies to rocks.
                  In the face of all this, how can one protest
                  That one wielding this power has need of math tests?
                  It doesn't compute, I really don't see.
                  But, if they like, they can take Arithmancy.

                  That person deserves the 'best comment of the year 2010 award'

  7. pennylane27 says:

    I just want to say that my brain could not process the arena. I need a map.
    And also, my heart stopped at that last line. Damn you Collins, this is why I read this book in one sitting.

    • stellaaaaakris says:

      I don't know how else to describe it but I imagine it's something like this, but with 12 spokes instead of 5:
      <img src=""&gt;

      In the center is the Cornucopia of weapons and the outer rim is the edge of the arena, but it's about a mile or so long of pure jungle. And between each spoke is a whole lot of water and 2 Victor Tributes. It must be a relatively small arena if they reached the edge already, considering Katniss walked for days last year and Haymitch made it his mission to get to the edge and that took a while during his Games.

    • Andrew says:

      I struggle to properly visualise it, too. A map would be amazing.

    • Mimzy says:

      Me too. I'm mostly good with it except for the bits where the force field is supposed to be. That just breaks my mental picture of it.

    • capnoa says:

      This is my 4-year-old-esque rendering of how I imagined the arena..

      <DIV style="OVERFLOW: auto"><IMG border=0 alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic" src=""&gt;

      I just imagine lots of circles inside of circles…and I know there's a term for that but I can't think of it right now…12 spokes splitting 24 plates, I think the Gamemakers thought the 2 tributes next to eachother would have to kill eachother to get to the spokes. A little beach around the lake, and a jungle around all of that. Hope this helps…it took so long to make XD


      • stellaaaaakris says:

        That is beautiful 🙂 It's pretty close to how I imagine the arena, except I have the spokes reaching the beach around the lake, kind of like a tire wheel.

      • notemily says:

        Haha, I love how you represent the jungle with -TREE-

        That's pretty much how I think of it in my head too. And I think the word you're looking for is "concentric."

        • capnoa says:

          Yes! Concentric! I kept thinking concave and I knew that wasn’t right. I had the “conc” right!!

          And I’m proud of my jungle tree haha I’m not the most skilled at Paint. I would’ve put more detail..but gotta wait for Mark to read more.


          [WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.

      • Tabbyclaw says:


    • forthejokes says:

      Definitely agree with both statments. I really would like someone to post a map of the arena, even though it became more clear the second time around.

      Also reading the book in one sitting is so much less painful than one chapter at a time. So many cliffhangers at the end of chapters, which we saw a lot of in book one.

  8. monkeybutter says:

    The pacing of Catching Fire is slightly different, but this is still the part of the book where Collins pours on the drama and endless misery. I can't wait for the next chapter when Mags reveals herself to be Katniss's father in disguise, and Finnick goes spontaneously bald. It would probably be best if everyone just copy and pasted their gifs from yesterday.

    Still, yay for Finnick and Mags on the team! I love them so much. GO (maybe) HAYMITCH!
    <img src=""&gt;

    And then she brings me down by bug-zapping Peeta. Noooo.
    <img src=""&gt;

    That poor kid always gets the worst of it. And you just know the sponsors have spent all of their money on pre-natal vitamins for Katniss. WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME COLLINS?

    • bell_erin_a says:

      And you just know the sponsors have spent all of their money on pre-natal vitamins for Katniss.
      Well, fuck. Katniss is screwed then. Supposing she's still working with Finnick, if he goes bald, that's it for him getting any gifts! Oh yeah, and the minor problem of Peeta getting zapped by the force field. Pre-natal vitamins it is, then. How helpful.

  9. Laurel says:

    There's a reason why I loved these first two books and most of Mockingjay. Though the pacing is awkward, Collins isn't afraid to bring UTTER CHAOS to her readers.

  10. Cindy says:

    Peeta killed 2 people in The Hunger Games: the girl who started the fire (while he was still aligned with the Careers), and he was inadvertently responsible for Foxface's death by berries.

    • pennylane27 says:

      Yeah, I think that what Finnick means is that Peeta probably wouldn't have won without Katniss. And let's face it, he does seem to be purer, because one of his kills was a mercy act and the other an accident.

      • andreah1234 says:

        And let's face it, he does seem to be purer, because one of his kills was a mercy act and the other an accident.

        Yeah, he doesn't seems like the kind of person that would kill a person the way Finnick did, ruthless and without mercy or guilt, BUT in case of a rebellion or something like that I can actually see Peeta killing to save Kat, and then feeling horrible about it. He's sweet like that.

        • blis says:

          Word. Peeta didn't really kill that girl who started the fire so much as he ended her suffering. She was gonna bleed out, he just made it end. Also, if he didn't do it one of the careers would have gone and tortured her some more.

        • Annalebanana says:

          I don't think Finnick killed without mercy or guilt, and definitely not ruthlessly, he just knew what he needed to, like Katniss (And all the other victors). They all probably feel horrible 24/7, like Katniss does. They all are in horrible states and they cope with things differently, but Katniss makes plenty of comments that would make me think the exact opposite of what you say. Katniss expresses guilt all the time, whereas i have never seen Peeta feel sorry for who he has killed. All he cared about was Katniss. He still feels terrible because of all the people who died, but i just don't see the type of remorse out of him that I do from other victors…. And Peeta did kill to save Katniss, that is what the killing of the girl from 8 was, and as I assume he had to kill to be with the Careers, that was "for Katniss" too.

      • shortstack930 says:

        And I think he's also implying that Peeta never intended to win, he was always just trying to help Katniss win. If Katniss hadn't pulled the stunt with the berries he never would've won since he wasn't even trying to, so technically he won by "accident".

    • Anjemon says:

      I actually would be surprised if he got in with the Careers (in the first Games) without at least killing someone. They said he was good with a knife, so he managed to demonstrate his prowess.

      • cait0716 says:

        I hadn't thought of this, but that's a really good point.

      • tethysdust says:

        I was going to comment about this, too. We never did get a description of how the first bit of Hunger Games 74 went for Peeta at the Cornucopia. I really do believe he killed at least 1 person with a knife there.

        • wenuwish says:

          I think so too. I'm not sure, but I seem to remember that not all of the careers made it through the first day. In my mind Peeta killed one of the careers at the cornucopia so that he would be accepted into their group. All pre-planned so he could keep an eye out for Katniss.

          • Kal says:

            Collins did kill off nearly half the kids at the Cornucopia, with only one's death explicitly attributed to someone (and that was to Clove from 2). I figured he killed someone, but never got how he could be part of the Careers. Your idea makes total sense to me.

  11. andreah1234 says:

    Ok, I need to let this out first: TEAM FINNICK FTW. HE'S TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

    There it's done. I actually like with chapter after I passed the whole "OMG CINNA NOOOOOO!!!!!" feeling we were left from last chapter. I completly love Finnick, I loved him when he was first introduced and I love him even more now. And I think Haymitch was right on giving Katpee some allies because they're going to need them, and the reason that I think He chose Finnick it's because he knew President Bastard would try and fuck Kat up, and because she's the girl on fire the logical opcion would be with water. Finnick is from a District which speciality is fishing and he's a total BAMF, so yeah I think Haymitch chose right. TEAM HAYMITCH. And TEAM MAGS, she's seems like such a cool and BAMF lady <3 . AND OH NOES PEETA D: D: D: D: D: I can't handle both Peeta and Cinna, I just can't. D: D: D: D:

    • blis says:

      This is when Finnick won me over. I didn't like him at all when he was first introduced. He just seemed like a total tool. Maybe its just be being gullible, but if Haymitch trusts Finnick, than thats good enough for me.

      • andreah1234 says:

        Totally. Haymitch knows his shit, If we (and by we I mean Katniss) can't trust him judgement then we (she) can't trust anyone.

      • LOTRjunkie says:

        Considering how clever Haymitch is, I think that's a pretty good reason.

  12. stellaaaaakris says:

    Nononononononono. Collins, we had a deal. You may not have been aware of this deal, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a real deal. You do not get to touch Peeta. I'm trying very hard not to hate you for Cinna, which, FYI, was just a chapter ago. You have run out of passes for this book. Make bread boy's heart restart NOW!

    " Finnick knows then what Haymitch and I know. About Peeta. Being truly deep-down better than the rest of us."
    Well, yeah, Finnick's comment about Peeta being a Victor by chance could refer to that, or it could refer to the fact that there weren't supposed to be two Victors last year. I mean, Peeta took off his tourniquet thingy so that he would bleed to death. It was only Katniss's quick thinking that gave them both a chance for survival. Peeta was just kind of along for the ride. Yes, we've seen how both Haymitch and Katniss know how Peeta is "better" than both of them, but he's also not as much of a survivor as Katniss is. Hmmm, I don't think my point came across clearly. Basically, Finnick's statement could have two meanings.

    And I'm sure this will be mentioned already by the time I finish typing, but Peeta did kill people. He killed the girl from District 8, who was dying a lingering death after Cato cut her, and technically Foxface, although that was a total accident. I have also adopted into my personal canon that he killed the boy from 4 and that's how he got in with the Careers, showing them his handy knife skills.

    • monkeybutter says:

      Wasn't Peeta injured when Katniss first saw him? He totally could have been in a fight, purposefully or not, and killed to prove himself. Foxface was accidental, and you could argue that the girl from 8 was out of mercy, but they're still dead by his hands. He's not like Katniss, but he didn't just sit back and let the Games take place around him.

      • stellaaaaakris says:

        Oh I completely agree. Peeta even admitted that first night on the roof that he would kill; he wouldn't go down without a fight. I didn't mean to give off the impression that I thought Peeta was passive, quite the opposite in fact. I just meant that everything he did was motivated by a desire to protect Katniss rather than himself. If it had not been the two of them Reaped, he would have tried to win and I believe he would have gotten pretty far (you're right, he was all battered when Katniss saw him. And like I said, I believe he killed the boy from 4 with his knife, but 4 would not have gone down easily. Peeta had to earn his place in the Career pack) but he would not have won. Not sure if I'm making sense.

        • monkeybutter says:

          No, I totally agree with you. I just think Katniss imagines Peeta to be a lot softer than he is.

  13. jahizzle says:

    All I have to say is when I first read the part about Mags doggy paddling towards them I could not stop picturing Betty White in there and I almost choked laughing.

  14. mugglemomof2 says:

    I loved the start of these games. No fooling around. Even though it is "the games' the dynamic in this book makes it totally different.

    And this is where I start to fall for Finnick. He is such a BAMF (and funny too)

    I liked the comment someone made yesterday that Collins must have written infomercials before "Wait, there's more" because seriously, every flippin chapter leaves you hanging! Mark you are crazy for continuing this one chapter at a time!

    PEETA!!!! :::sad faces:::

  15. kajacana says:

    Can I just say that I would probably be way too afraid to jump into the water? I mean… anything could have happened. REGULAR oceans are terrifying — add psycho Gamemakers, and well, I'd prefer to stay on dry land thankyouverymuch.

    Also, Team Finnick.

    • pennylane27 says:

      I would have been petrified. But then again, I would have died in the first ten seconds of the first games.

    • theanagrace says:

      Oh yeah! I hate it when you're swimming and something brushes your leg! Now imagine that thing is a carnivorous squirrel with a tiny scuba set. *never going to sleep again*

  16. momigrator says:

    Peeta isn't dead, is he? I mean, he's coming back, right!???


    • thatonegirl says:

      make room for me

    • kaybee42 says:

      If Peeta isn't dead then that is SUCH a cop out. I would not be impressed. Thankfully I think even Collins isn't enough of a wuss to back out of it.

      • momigrator says:

        It would be a cop-out, but I wouldn't be surprised. I mean, people's hearts stop by being shocked, but it's one of the easiest things to come "back" from. So, I wouldn't be surprised if this was just a cliffhanger for the chapter and they bring him back in the next.

      • liliaeth says:

        I have to disagree. I think by now, Collins has earned the right for a take back on what seems to be a death. Because she has a big enough list of chars that did die for real, or had worse happen to them.

        If she doesn't let at least some of them survive, she runs the risk of doing a Whedon.
        (aka, anyone in love will end in tragedy and at least one person in the relationship will either go evil or die)
        And basically make a cliché of herself the way Whedon has done. By now, the expectation with Whedon is that he'll kill one half of a couple is so expected, that the only way he'd actually shock people, is by keeping them both alive and giving them a happy ending.

  17. Lily says:

    Katniss is so bipolar in this chapter. Kill, Don't Kill, Kill, Don't Kill.

    • mugglemomof2 says:

      But could you imagine the range of emotions going through your head if this was you? She wants to keep Peeta alive- so allies=good, but then you know you'll eventually have to kill those allies so maybe better to do it now =bad? Ugh. I would snap

    • Tabbyclaw says:

      Really? You honestly think that's an okay thing to say?

    • Enthusiastic says:

      While I definitely agree that she is indecisive–since I think that's what you're getting at–I respectfully disagree with and protest against your labeling it "bipolar." I am trained in the mental health fields IRL and she is very much not being bipolar. Aside from that, are mental health terms really ones we want to toss around like othering labels from other groups?


      But I agree she's indecisive, but I can totally see where that confusion is coming from. Not only the nature of the games this time and how unstable it seems, but what she witnessed right before coming in? Gonna set our Katniss off her game a bit, at least for a while.

  18. spectralbovine says:

    I mean, how many times so far have I mentioned that I felt that the tributes would act against the normal rules of the Games? I feel a bit embarrassed.
    Don't worry, I was hoping the same thing. Especially after the interviews. Maybe they would all decide not to fight! Together! Take a stand! Or not.

    No. No, you can’t do that. The Games just started. Are you seriously killing him off right now? Oh my god, what the fuck.
    Look, didn't everyone say you were unprepared?

    • trash_addict says:

      I think it would have been pretty cool if they all called a truce and then one bad seed (who we will all presume is from District One or Two and then surprise surprise, it's not) starts killing people off.

      • Enthusiastic says:

        Oooo–wouldn't it have been an epic twist if it were that mother–can't remember name or district–who jumped up, all like, "hell with this, they'll kill my children, I'll kill you instead!" and started lopping heads?

        …I probably should not be as intrigued by that as I am.

  19. bell_erin_a says:

    Uh, yeah. Cue the heart attack, as if the end of last chapter wasn't enough! I swear these books are bad for your health. That said, PEEEEEETTTTTTAAAAAAA! THIS CAN'T BE THE END OF PEENISS/KATPEE! I'VE GOTTEN WAY TOO MUCH ENTERTAINMENT OUT OF THAT! Oh, and also, because Peeta is awesome. Collins, you suck.

    On a less CAPSLOCK SMASH note:
    Haymitch gave it to him. As a signal to me. An order, really. To trust Finnick.
    Aha, it looks like Haymitch is ~playing the game~ (because we haven't had enough of that since the middle of THG, lol).

    It's okay, Mark. I wanted the tributes all to stand up and say, "fuck this, we're not playing. We're done with doing things on the Capitol's terms," but they didn't. BUT THE HOLDING HANDS DURING THE INTERVIEWS. DOES THAT COUNT FOR NOTHING, TRIBUTES??!

    Oh, look. Back to the arena we go, where everything is fucked up, as usual. It goes without saying by now, but unpreparedness, you have it, etc.

  20. NopeJustMe says:

    Peeta? Now there's an interesting concept. If Peeta dies, Katniss will go CRAZY. Like, rampaging through the Capitol alone burning things, with the Rebels like: '…Can we come?'

    Okay that last part might just be wishful thinking. But seriously, Peeta's death (though I don't think it'll happen yet) would be a good plot point.

  21. spectralbovine says:

    4 out of 5 Finnicks choose trident.

  22. bread says:

    I love Peeta, I really do. I think its commendable that he's in the arena to keep Katniss alive and that he worries and frets over her. However, has he ever noticed that SHE'S the one that is always saving him? I like the guy and he's a great emotional support system as well as a moral center, but damn, he gets into so many random frays and Katniss always has to bail him out. Then he goes on and on about how he HAS to be in the area to protect her.

    I really enjoy that about them. Their dynamic is so different and fresh. Peeta bakes her cheesy bread and she keeps him from dying. Its a nice trade off.

    • rissreader says:

      I generally have thought that Peeta was sort of creepy, but I find your Princess Peeta analysis interesting, and I may warm up to him if I start to think of him like that.

    • Hanh says:

      I know I love how he's the damsel in distress.

  23. Kripa says:

    You really think Peeta didn't realize that Katniss and Finnick were about to fight to the death? Peeta may be pure-hearted, but he's not naive. He knew exactly what he was doing when he stepped between them.
    And OMG Peetaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;___;

  24. mr.mowgli says:

    OHS NO! And so all the awfulness begins. I wonder if the shock of the forcefield would have done that to anyone else or is it because of Peeta's fake leg?

    • thatonegirl says:

      I'm still holding on to hope that the fake leg will somehow keep him alive. It could happen. Right? please?:'(

    • notemily says:

      I think it's because he touched the forcefield with his knife and the metal conducted the charge? I dunno. Maybe the same thing happens if you touch it with your hand.

      • capnoa says:

        I think those force fields are strong enough that it doesn't matter if he has a fake leg or not, touch it with his arm or knife, those suckers are meant to keep the tributes in, so the Gamemakers are turning them up to 11!


      • blis says:

        would the knife have had a handle though? not sure how prosthetics work. would the metal be right in his stub?

        • theanagrace says:

          It would depend on the type of prosthesis he was given. Since it was the Capitol that gave it to him, anything is possible. For all we know it could shoot carnivorous squirrels, or it could be a bomb that will go off at the worst possible time, in that case, it would be definitely stuck to him so he can't get away from it.
          In real life though, you can have metal grafted to the bone to hold on a prosthesis, or it can be help on by suction, or any number of methods depending on the limb, money, etc etc.

  25. DTDRC says:

    I love that she's allied with Finnick. I've thought he would be a good ally from the beginning because he had so many sponsor gifts in his last games, and that's likely to continue on in these games. Also, his poem for his "one true love" in the capital, could have been both a means of generating questioning from the Capital citizens (good for rebellion), as well as a manipulation to get more sponsors on his side (good for Finnick). Can't you see all the lovesick ladies/men(?) sponsoring Finnick so that he can survive the games because they think he's in love with them and they want to live happily ever after?

    Also I love that it starts with water. I'm sure the Gamemakers thought Katniss couldn't swim, and once again she fools them. The jungle may have also been picked to throw Katniss off her game. Very interesting.

  26. Andrew says:


  27. Katherine says:

    Actually, I think Peeta has killed someone – the girl that the Careers injured near the beginning of the Hunger Games in the first book.

  28. Shanella says:

    I didn't like Finnick until this chapter. He always seemed so shallow, but this chapter changed my opinion of him.

    • adev0tchka says:

      Yeah, but I always figured there was much more to him than meets the eye. I mean, he did win the Games when he was only FOURTEEN.

  29. Lynn says:

    I have one thing I disagree on in your review. I think that Peeta stepped in between Finnick and Katniss on purpose. I think he knows Katniss well enough to know what she wanted to do (and was about to do) and she and Finnick were both posturing aggressively. But Peeta being a little more tactical and thought out stepped in between them to diffuse the situation. I think he had come to the conclusion that the ally situation was a good thing and he trusted Haymitch. I can't prove it but it is just my opinion.

    • jessicaduh says:

      Yes, you're right. Collins says so :

      "I can feel we've both about worked it out when Peeta steps deliberately between us."

  30. MeasuringInLove says:

    I have tons of admiration for your patience in reading these books one chapter at a time, because if I came to this ending and couldn't continue reading I probably would have snapped someone's arm in two. Peeta D:

    Also, Finnick and Mags just continue to get more and more badass. I approve.

  31. Katie says:

    And now you know why Mags is my favourite character! I adore that wonderful little lady

  32. Blabbla says:

    I think this arena is much less interesting than the last one. Or maybe that's just because I love forests, lol.

  33. Paige says:

    Did anyone else have Muse's Resistance album running through their head while reading the series?

    • capnoa says:

      Funny you mention that! When I listened to that album, I hadn't read the books yet, and I started formulating what I like to call my "MUSEical" (super creative, I know, right?) and it had allllloooot of the same themes and ideas of THG series. So of course when I read it I was like MUSE MUSE MUSE MUSE!!! If they do a soundtrack/incorporate songs into the film (not just instrumentals I mean), I'm voting for Muse overload all the way!!


    • castlejune says:

      No, but I did have "Can you Hear the People Sing" from Les Miserables stuck in my head. Especially for the second and third books.

      • castlejune says:

        Its just too appropriate! Gah! Now it is stuck again!
        "Can you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men. It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again. When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums, there is new life about to start when tomorrow comes! Will you join in our crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me? …Then join in the fight that will give you the right to be free!"

        When they were all standing together holding hands, I really wanted them to sing it.

    • Katie Eleanor says:

      It would make sense. That album is written with 1984 in mind. And there are definite parallels with that and the THG trilogy.

  34. tethysdust says:

    I don't know if I'm getting more into the story or if Collins is getting into her stride, but I'm enjoying this book a lot right now. This was actually the first chapter where it took a great force of will to not continue reading.

    However, I'm viewing everything in this chapter with the paranoia of a conspiracy theorist.

    Oh, Haymitch didn't tell Katpee that he made a deal with Finnick? How convenient &gt;_~. I think that he noticed Haymitch wearing the bracelet, got one like it, and decided he was gonna be Katniss' ally whether she wanted him or not.

    I'm also surprised they got to the edge of the arena so quickly. Last year she was able to travel for days without encountering it. It's almost like someone *cough*Plutarch Heavensbee*cough* set the starting place really close to the edge. That way, they'll have plenty of time to work out how to escape.

    Also, Peeta is dead? THAT CAN'T HAPPEN! Why? Because I don't want it to. I choose to believe that they'll get his heart going again (perhaps with a "Don't you die on me!" scene), and he'll be right as rain. Just like Cinna is totally not dead and is hanging out with the rebels right now ;_;. Is this the sort of injury CPR can fix, or do they need a defibrillator?

    Lastly, it made me sad how quickly the tributes got to killing each other. I felt the same as Katniss 🙁 . At least Finnick and Mags seem like good allies.

    • exbestfriend says:

      I think Collins writes action much better than she writes exposition/character development. I don't think that she can't come up with an idea, because the world that she creates is pretty full and amazing, but it almost seems like she makes a bullet point outline of what needs to happen and then writes the sentences around those words. Or something. I don't know I'm not a writer and I'm not saying I could do it better, but the Games sequences have always been engaging whereas some of the other chapters have felt oddly paced.

      Needless to say, I'm pretty happy that we are back in the Games.

      • monkeybutter says:

        …but it almost seems like she makes a bullet point outline of what needs to happen and then writes the sentences around those words.

        Perfect description of her writing. I'm not claiming to be a literary master either, but it's striking how bare-bones the writing is. I don't think I even made it through the first chapter of The Hunger Games before I thought "Oh, this was written to be filmed." The action drives the narrative, not the characters, so the books won't lose much in translation. I still like the series, but it seems like it was published to sell eventual movies (which is the case for many books that get published today, I suppose).

        • exbestfriend says:

          It's weird because you are right, but it doesn't alter my opinion of the book. I really enjoy this series and the story is so intriguing even if Collins had published a bullet point list and action scenes, I would have read it.

        • capnoa says:

          I actually prefer this style of writing. Whenever I read a book I imagine everything like a movie. So with her style it makes it flow really well. Bullet-list or not. I 100% approve and I want more please!!


      • SusanBones says:

        I agree with you. Collins does a great job with action scenes. It is a shame to think that the best parts of these books, from a "hold your interest and keep you coming back for more" standpoint happens during the games. Why can't she make the rest of the story as interesting to read. It wasn't until we got to the Capital that this book really got exciting.

  35. vampira2468 says:

    How do you feel about Katniss’ trust and distrust of Finnick? He seems like the sort to team with seeing the setting they are in?
    What if the water had been toxic? Would you have drank some like Katniss did?
    Worried for Cinna. This is why I tend to dislike one character view novels. Will admit she does it well, but curious about the lives of the government and Cinna more
    Force field horror!!

    • SusanBones says:

      I was scared for her when she drank the water, too. And I kept expecting a shark, or some other demon, to attack the tributes as they left their pedestals.

  36. angelicamh28 says:

    What if all the tributes did decide to not play by the rules and not fight? What if they all just held hands, sat around a campfire, and sang campfire songs? What would the Capital do? Would they stop the games or just blow everyone into oblivion?

    My guess is President Snow would be all, "KILL THEM ALL!!! Mwahahahahaha!", but couldn't this also cause an uprising? (especially since so many have become attached to their victors, as mentioned in the book)

  37. arnenieberding says:

    "so different from his usual seductive purr"



    <img src=""&gt;

  38. Majc says:

    I was with you Mark. I wanted all the victors to band together and take on whatever the gamemakers would throw at them until it was clear that they weren't going to kill each other.

  39. t09yavorski says:

    😀 I love Finnick. If I hadn't before this chapter this would have settled it for me. How can you not like a guy that walks around with a trident like Posiden or Neptune or King Triton while carrying old ladies on his back.

  40. bingo007 says:

    guys.i couldnt write a haiku even if you gave me a million bucks.
    my comment was simple because that was as complex as i could get without making a grammar or syntax error.

  41. Sternenblumen says:

    Aaaand this was the point where I could no longer keep my resolve to read along with you, Mark >.> … I just had to see how it would go on! Peeta!!!

    … Not I'm almost finished with the book. Uh, yeah.

    • Ellie says:

      It took me forever to figure out that that red stuff was supposed to be blood, not sausages that were randomly in the arena, lol.

    • capnoa says:

      Love it. Reminds me kind of Teen Girl Squad hahah Oh mang, I'm like crying now…


    • Simone says:

      May I just say that I find it rather amusing that you've gone from a -80p to a +71p in about six days.

      • yllsa says:

        Well I wasn't going to say anything because what caused my negative rating was pretty much just ignorance on my part. I talk to mark on aim and he would let my vaguely spoilery "do ho ho mark u no prepared" type comments slide, but then I made a similar one here, neglecting his strict no-spoilers policy. I'm not saying I didn't deserve all my negative votes, and ignorance isn't an excuse. But I'm glad people enjoy my rage comics because I crack myself up over them for literally hours.

        Yes I have a sad, sad life.

  42. spectralbovine says:

    The fifth Finnick chose spear-mint.

    Ba dum, pum.

  43. Karen says:

    That was my legit reaction to the end of this chapter.


    Peeta, whyyyyyy? How can we get married on the astral plane if you are dead? D:

  44. thefbm says:

    NOOO PEETA!! I can't handle the possiblity of two of my favorite characters dying within two chapters back to back. That's bats!!! Don't do this to me Collins!

    I find that the arena was set up because of Katniss. They probably figure she couldn't swim and have no knowledge of anything in the jungle. So this is all just a plan to get rid of Katniss….but too bad the stones are already rolling–rebellion is about to start( I can feel it).

    • SusanBones says:

      I'm sure that they planned the water and the jungle so that Katniss would have less of an advantage this time. She wasn't familiar with the animals or plants, which were the two things that kept her alive last time.

      The water is interesting, because the gamemakers had to know which districts taught their people to swim. I wondered if the Career tributes were swimmers.

      • Keysmash says:

        How did Katniss learn to swim? They don't have pools in D12, do they? Her father must have taught her, in the woods. That must be why Peeta can't swim, then. But, like her hunting skills, wouldn't it be obvious that she'd been out of the district boundaries if she can swim?

        Just thinking aloud.

        • pennylane27 says:

          I think Katniss mentions that her father taught her in that little lake in the forest. And they probably will realise, but they already know that she hunts outside the fence.

  45. Emily says:

    I agree. I can't live without mine.

  46. Yusra says:


    And I love Mags; she's cute.

  47. ooohlivia says:

    I like this arena a lot better than the first. I don't know why, but it might be because Katniss is so out of her element and it ramps up the feelings of dread. It's one of the many reasons why Catching Fire is my favourite book of the series.

    Peeta! I thought of that moment in Jurassic Park where the boy is climbing on the fence and suddenly it gets turned on to 10,000 volts 🙁

  48. mr.mowgli says:

    I completely trust Finnick. That could be a very dangerous thing, given the nature of these games, but he has already proved himself trustworthy. If that is not enough Haymitch told Katniss in the beginning not to count on Finnick. What really drives it home is his treatment of Mags. Its not just because she is from his district. Sadly I am sure others would forget about the little old lady and just leave her thinking her a burden, but Finnick doesn't do it. He fucking carries her around to ensure her safety. When he talks to her its with respect. You can tell a lot about someone by the way they treat the elderly. Finnick has proven himself trust worthy. He has also proven himself to be a complete BAD ASS.

    Nicely done Finnick. Nicely done indeed.

    • Kripa says:

      She was a victor, no? So she is to him what Haymitch has been to KatPee.

      • mr.mowgli says:

        true, but i still think its pretty fantastic of him to help her. Mentor or not, in a situation like the games many would just be trying to align themselves with the best of the best, the most fit. To do whatever they have to in order to survive. Finnick goes out of his way to help her. Helping Peeta seems to be a way to win Katniss over. Helping Mags is something he does out of the goodness of his heart. That was my interpretation anyway.

      • Madeline says:

        Not necessarily. Just because she was a victor doesn't mean she was Finnick's mentor. I'm pretty sure there are other victors from their district.

    • mr.mowgli says:

      Not to count out*

      so Finnick has Haymitch's seal of approval.

  49. zuzu says:

    Why must school coincide with you reading the games? I only have an hour to read a short story for class and I just used 10 minutes to read this review and look through comments. I am addicted.

    Also EFFING HELL, COLLINS!!!!!!!!!


  50. Dannie. says:

    PEETA?!!!!!!!! 🙁

  51. under_the_el says:

    Odd blue water body.
    Splashes surround and spray me
    with shock and sadness.

    I’ve never read any of these books myself, but I’m considering it because of these recaps.

  52. potlid007 says:

    <img src="; border="0" alt="SNL spit take Pictures, Images and Photos"/>

    <img src="; border="0" alt="SNL Like a Boss Pictures, Images and Photos"/>

    Dude, Peeta can't swim THE BOY HAS FAULTS!!!!
    Peeta can't swim, Peeta can't swim,
    Peeta cannot swim,
    He only bakes bread so he cannot swim, even if he's reading a how-to-swim book!
    <img src="; border="0" alt="SNL – High Five Pictures, Images and Photos"/>

    <img src="; border="0" alt=":snl: Pictures, Images and Photos"/>

  53. jennywildcat says:

    I confess, I have the hardest time visualizing this arena. The last arena was fairly straightforward – the central area with the Cornucopia and the forest surrounding it, but this one… I think it's the spokes in the water that throw me off. Everything happens so fast and we spend more time in Katniss' head while she debates who her allies are and their motives rather than what's going on around the arena. If a "Catching Fire" movie does get made, this is one scene I'm looking forward to, just so I can get a better picture of what this is supposed to look like.

    In other news – I was sooo relieved when Finnick showed Katniss that gold bracelet. KEEP BEING AWESOME FINNICK!!

  54. Hotaru-hime says:

    Poor Peeta. No luck at all for this kid.

  55. Gabbie says:

    Peeta went back and killed the wounded girl in his first Games, and Foxface counted as his kill, though indirect.
    Love Mags. Love her.

  56. Steeple says:

    Well. I was half-right for the force field barrier, but that was too obvious. XD; But if there's only weapons… are there easier food sources, like fishes from the minisea? Or is it to push the victors to kill each other faster before they die of thirst/starvation? I wonder if the jungle is a rainforest, because then water could be found in plants, right? I dunno, I just remember seeing on TV that there was a type of tree plant thingy in the Amazon rainforest that held water that's easily accessable.

    It's probably more likely that there's a water source that's booby-trapped, though. xDa; Because they need a balance between "no boring deaths from need" and "no freebies". Ahaha maybe there's a series of wells and only one isn't poisonous. Or there's two ponds and one has killer mosquitoes. Something like that.

  57. capnoa says:

    So much to be said about this chapter!!! First off, omg absolutely love Finnick even more!! Forget Gale and Peeta, Katniss should be with Finnick and their bad-assery would win the day!! It could also help that I have my dream-casting going on in my head so he's super hott and I want him…but you know…

    Secondly, OH. MY. GEE. MAGS. Betty White or Cloris Leachman would be perfect!! Just this little ol' frail lady who's all like yeeeehhh BAMF! I imagine that if she lived in this world she would've been sneaking into speak-easies during prohabition and getting her drank on while cussing like a sailor. I also couldn't help but think of that movie Poseidon Adventure/Poseidon, where at one point the old lady sacrifices her life to swim and do something (details are hazy) so that it saves everyone else, and it turns out she had been an olmpic swimmer or something in her hey-day. Yes I thought of that. That is Mags. Rebel. Sailor. Olympic Swimmer. Awesome.

    • capnoa says:

      When Finnick is carrying Mags along, I suddenly felt the urge to need an action figure. It's like Cait Sith from FF7, except Finnick with Mags on his back. I want it. I want it now. With real action Trident throwing!!!

      I half expected everyone to join hands and band together but I remembered its been mentioned a few times that when things are going along at a pace that appeases the Gamemakers, they stir up trouble. So yeh everyone could've stuck together, but sooner or later the Gamemakers would've make them turn on eachother. Maybe the floatation belts had explosives and it would start being all Battle Royale like, who knows…
      As for the Peeta thing. Collins is evil, but that's why we love her. She offs Cinna which rips us apart but also gives us this false sense of security like "Oh well no one else major will die for a while then, right?" DENG!!! WRONG!! Collins, you are genius.


    • capnoa says:

      When Finnick is carrying Mags along, I suddenly felt the urge to need an action figure. It's like Cait Sith from FF7, except Finnick with Mags on his back. I want it. I want it now. With real action Trident throwing!!!

      I half expected everyone to join hands and band together but I remembered its been mentioned a few times that when things are going along at a pace that appeases the Gamemakers, they stir up trouble. So yeh everyone could've stuck together, but sooner or later the Gamemakers would've make them turn on eachother. Maybe the floatation belts had explosives and it would start being all Battle Royale like, who knows…
      As for the Peeta thing. Collins is evil, but that's why we love her. She offs Cinna which rips us apart but also gives us this false sense of security like "Oh well no one else major will die for a while then, right?" DENG!!! WRONG!! Collins, you are genius.


  58. Revolution64 says:

    <img src=""&gt;

    P.S. Didn't Peeta kill someone when he was hanging with the Tributes in the first Hunger Games?

  59. Saber says:

    "And no one in this arena was a victor by chance.” He eyes Peeta for a moment. “Except maybe Peeta.”

    Am I the only one who thought this was meant as a bit of an insult?

    • Penquin47 says:

      I didn't see it as an insult, just an acknowledgement of the truth. If Katniss hadn't been told she and Peeta could both win, she'd never have saved his life from the leg wound and blood poisoning, and Peeta's intent was never to survive the arena, he intended to make sure Katniss did. In order to win the games, you need that determination to survive, which Peeta only had when he knew he could live AND get Katniss out.

    • pennylane27 says:

      I didn't take it as an insult, maybe Finnick is being a bit sarcastic, but in the end it's the simple truth.

  60. trash_addict says:

    Okay, so Collins' strength isn't reeeeeally the emotional stuff. It's more of the punch-you-in-the-face-with-surprises-and-action stuff. But this:

    'I press my ear against his chest, to the spot where I always rest my head, where I know I will hear the strong and steady beat of his heart.

    Instead, I find silence.'

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Not only a punchy cliffhanger but a real reflection of Katniss' growing feelings for Peeta and the Tragedy Forever of the situation.

  61. thatonegirl says:

    Dear Suzanne Collins,
    What have you done in this chapter? You' are not allowed to kill Peeta off yet (or possibly ever) I can see you need my help.

    Ways to fix the Peeta problem:
    1. Subvert the typical gender roles by having Katniss awaken the "damsel in distress" with fake love's kiss.
    What's that you say? That was the plot of the entire first book? No one will notice if you use it again.

    2. Make Mags' talent be defying death. Siriously, how is she 80? She's older than the Games! Let her work her old lady magic to bring Peety back.
    3. Have the sponsors send him a bottle of win. That'll fix him good.
    If all else fails…
    4. Have Peeta wake up at the district 12 train station and meet up with Cinna, who will tell him he can choose to come back if he wants. See, all better!

    You're welcome. 😉

  62. Joanie says:

    I've read the book but from the beginning, I've been intrigued with Finnick. Victor at 14? And I can't imagine all that Mags has seen. I like that the two of them are a team. Weird to think that Finnick's been involved with the games for a decade now.

    • Elise says:

      There's at least a chance that Mags was his advisor person, right? I don't know how it works when you have multiple female and male victors in a district, but maybe they rotate through the job.

    • Saber says:

      Finnick drinks from waterfalls of win, that's the only explanation. And yah, I always imagined victors would rotate though tributes, except the really popular victors that have to be there every year. If they're going to be there anyway, might as well mentor so someone else can stay home.

  63. bibliotrek says:

    Am I the only one who wondered why the heck the water was blue but the sky was pink? Surely the water should also reflect the pink sky!

  64. Phoebe says:

    im sure someone already pointed this out: peeta actually did kill people (the girl by the fire)
    so excited (?) the games are starting again!

  65. Fuchsia says:

    Mark, PLEASE stop nominating people for President! Geesh! You should know by now that nothing good comes from that!

    I also had hopes for the tributes taking a stand and refusing to fight, but you know that if they did attempt that, the Capitol would've forced them to fight somehow.

  66. erin says:

    That little girl on the floor is entrancing. How is she doing that???

  67. Pilar says:

    I like Finnick. He's resourceful, has a good sense of humour, and he seems pretty friendly.

    The only thing keeping me from liking him fully as a book character is that his physical description reminds me a little too much of Edward Cullen (bronze hair, green eyes, physically attractive) for my liking.

    BTW, I can't wait to see the arena in the 2nd movie. I'm sure it'll look incredible. <3

    • Saber says:

      Please. Please no. I have decided that he shall be a blonde, because NO EDWARD CULLENS IN CF!

      Hey, maybe she made him as a parody of Edward…? Instead of mopey, abusive, sexist and controlling, he's funny, smart, kind (Dude carries Mags around, how awesome is that?) yet perfectly willing to murder.

      • Enthusiastic says:

        -I have decided that he shall be a blonde, because NO EDWARD CULLENS IN CF!

        -Hey, maybe she made him as a parody of Edward…? Instead of mopey, abusive, sexist and controlling, he's funny, smart, kind (Dude carries Mags around, how awesome is that?) yet perfectly willing to murder.

        YES SABER! THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS! (And I don't even like blonds, but I would totally make an exception to allow this epicness to happen!)

        • Enthusiastic says:

          [How do I edit my comment?]

          Should note–I am perfectly fine with blonde people, I just find that it is rare for me to be attracted to them. There are exceptions, as with every rule (heh)–namely, Alexander Skaarsgard. Unf. Other than that, usually meh. But there is lots of pretty in the world–more than enough to find a good Finnick, no matter what hair color he was born with/dyed to!

          *I am NOT suggesting Alexander Skaarsgard for Finnick. Very very much wrong age. Right impudence, but wrong age.

  68. Brittany says:

    Peeta did kill someone in The Hunger Games. technically. When Katniss was hiding in the tree that first night and she saw the group of Careers (plus Peeta) below her she listened as Peeta went and killed that girl who had started a fire. I mean, someone else attacked her first, but Peeta did technically deliver the fatal blow.

  69. bendemolena says:

    I adore Mags, I really do.

  70. stellaaaaakris says:

    "heart-stopping cliff-hanger"

    I see what you did there 😉

  71. Enthusiastic says:

    Mags mayn't have been Finnick's official Games mentor, but she may be serving as one this time just by virtue of the position they find themselves in. He can help her with the physical stuff, she can help him (haven't read further, girl scout's honor etc., so No Spoilers TM) keep watch, look for food, strategize, and, of course ,make fish hooks out of anything because she is a BAMF. Maybe they can combine their talents and he can stab people with her hooks on the end of his trident or something. Go Team Katpeefinnmags! Peenissfinnmags? … All of those sound much more obscene than I meant them to be. Go Team Current Allies! Team BAMFs!

    And Peeta, to reiterate what most people have been saying, BETTER BE OK, Collins. >->

  72. qwopisinthemailbox says:

    "Well, what did I think? That the victors’ chain of locked hands last night would result in some sort of universal truce in the arena? No, I never believed that."

    i believed that ._.


  73. theresa1128429 says:

    I want to adopt Mags as my Great-Grandmother 🙂

  74. kaybee42 says:

    Agreed also. One of my favourite things to do is look through the most highlighted passages on the entire collection of Sherlock Holmes 🙂 And the ones from the entire collection of Jane Austens. (Also, those two entire collection sets I have on the kindle cost me, altogether, about a pound. AMAZING!)

  75. Lady X says:

    Geez, I love this book… jungle scene music : the big bang – rock mafia

    Finnick for 2012!

  76. PK9 says:

    Apparently I'm far too verbose for this comment box. I'll just post a few of my comments that I had initially upon reading:

    Finnick as an ally? Isn’t he a Career? (I don’t know about Mags, she might be old enough to predate the concept of Careers). Sometimes I think Haymitch communicates with Katniss better when it’s through cryptic clues than through direct conversation. If K survives these games, maybe he should only talk to her in riddles. And aw, Peeta can’t swim.

    Okay, the sports analyst is me is rearing his ugly head. They’re at the Cornucopia, only a handful of other tributes able to reach it immediately, and both have weapons that they can hit people at from a distance. Why leave? Isn’t it more effective to just take out all the unarmed tributes who are rushing in before they get their hands on weapons? And since the Cornucopia is surrounded by water, why not throw all those metal objects in so they sink to the bottom and can’t be used by the others?

    • PK9 says:


      Oh nos! Peeta! I’m pretty sure they’ll find a way to revive him. It would be really really bold for SC to eliminate the character with so little fanfare, this early in the series (We got 35 chapters left to go?).

      • PK9 says:

        Also, how is Peeta better than the rest of them? As far as we know, Peeta killed GD8 and likely BD4 in the 74th Games. Well, Katniss knows for sure since she watched the replay, but she didn't share that information with us.

  77. Hanh says:

    First of all, Finnick carrying Mags on his back is like the cutest thing ever. I kind of wish you hadn't said Mags for president because the last time you did that with Foxface, she DIED. Sure Mags is the John McCain whose pacemaker could stop any minute, but I'd like to see her make it back home. I am a terrible person because as soon as I read that Peeta (maybe) died, my first thought was 'So does that mean Katniss and Finnick are gonna hook up?'

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