Mark Reads ‘Mockingjay’: Chapter 6

In the sixth chapter of Mockingjay, THIS IS SERIOUSLY HAPPENING ALREADY?!?!?! If you’re intrigued, then it’s time for Mark to read Mockingjay.

For all the grandstanding District 13 is trying to earn, for all their attempts at coming off as hyper-organized and prepared for the oncoming war, these people seriously have some god-awful ideas. Who on earth thought a bunch of poorly written slogans and flashy imagery was going to shift the tide in the uprising against the Capitol? I’m not criticizing this because it’s a bad turn for Collins; on the contrary, I think she’s brilliant for this. It goes to show that they can’t be good at everything. It continues the parallel to the Capitol, only this time, their propaganda isn’t working.

I understand Katniss’s anger at Haymitch and I also believe it’s entirely validated. Besides the HOLY SHIT WHAT direction this chapter takes, I like to think that chapter six is about re-introducing Haymitch to the narrative and beginning to plant the seeds that might involve eventual forgiveness. Might. I am not sure it will happen and I would support Katniss if she chose not to. But I’m a big fan of where Collins takes this story and I’m intrigued to see more.

This is the first time we’ve been in a room together since I clawed him. I avoid looking at him directly, but I catch a glimpse of his reflection in one of the shiny control consoles along the wall. He looks slightly yellow and has lost a lot of weight, giving him a shrunken appearance. For a second, I’m afraid he’s dying. I have to remind myself that I don’t care.


Haymitch moves right into his meeting, called the next day after Katniss stormed off the soundstage upon hearing Haymitch’s voice. He makes it very clear that what happened the day before is entirely pointless. No one would ever feel motivated to revolt against the Capitol after seeing that.

“I want everyone to think of one incident where Katniss Everdeen genuinely moved you. Not where you were jealous of her hairstyle, or her dress went up in flames or she made a halfway decent shot with an arrow. Not where Peeta was making you like her. I want to hear one moment where she made you feel something real.”

Well, goddamn, Haymitch. Always full of surprises. And the answers start flowing: When she volunteered to take Prim’s place. When she sang when Rue died. When she drugged Peeta. (Ok, Octavia, no more from you.) When she made Rue her ally, tried to carry Mags, and, most importantly, when she gave those berries to Peeta.

And again and again when I held out those berries that meant different things to different people. Love for Peeta. Refusal to give in under impossible odds. Defiance of the Capitol’s inhumanity.

It’s true. It meant something completely different for me, as I’m sure it did for each of you, too.

“Well, that’s all very nice but not very helpful,” says Fulvia peevishly. “Unfortunately, her opportunities for being wonderful are rather limited here in Thirteen. So unless you’re suggesting we toss her into the middle of combat—“

“That’s exactly what I’m suggesting,” says Haymitch. “Put her out in the field and just keep the cameras rolling.”


“But people think she’s pregnant,” Gale points out.

“We’ll spread the word that she lost the baby from the electrical shock in the arena,” Plutarch replies. “Very sad. Very unfortunate.”

Hahasdhjfldjkashfsadljkf holy shit. Really. Are they really going through with this? ALREADY? IT’S CHAPTER SIX. WHAT.

Katniss volunteers herself to go while people argue over what’s best for her. (THANKS, EVERYONE. LET’S NOT EVEN ASK HER.) And Coin AGREES TO LET HER GO.

“Take her into eight this afternoon. There was heavy bombing this morning, but the raid seems to have run its course. I want her armed with a squad of bodyguards. Camera crew on the ground. Haymitch, you’ll be airborne and in contact with her. Let’s see what happens there. Does anyone have any other comments?”

“Wash her face,” says Dalton. Everyone turns to him. “She’s still a girl and you made her look thirty-five. Feels wrong. Like something the Capitol would do.”

OH MY GOD THIS IS ALREADY HAPPENING. IN CHAPTER SIX!!!! Collins, you are seriously repeatedly punching my face with unexpectedness. This is FANTASTIC. It’s weird, because I still feel the opening to Catching Fire is far too quick for my liking. Things are moving quick here, and I can’t place my finger on why it is, but I don’t think I want to complain about it. It makes sense. It feels right. The urgency of the uprising added as a context to all of this certainly helps. There’s no need to wait around for shit to happen, as it’s already going on all around the country.

After the meeting adjourns, Haymitch makes a point to speak with Katniss privately:

Haymitch takes the seat across from me. “We’re going to have to work together again. So, go ahead. Just say it.”

OH BOY. This is going to be fun, right?

But all I say is “I can’t believe you didn’t rescue Peeta.”

“I know,” he replies.

Oh. Not awkward. Just really sad.

There’s a sense of incompleteness. And not because he hasn’t apologized. But because we were a team. We had a deal to keep Peeta safe. A drunken, unrealistic deal made in the dark of night, but a deal just the same. And in my heart of hearts [AUTHOR’S NOTE: WHO THE FUCK SAYS THAT], I know we both failed.

Endless sad. I still think it’s terribly messed up that Plutarch and Haymitch did so much to help the uprising by keeping Katpee in the dark, but I do understand what it means to Katniss for her to admit that she also failed to help Peeta in her own way.

So it seems that the two of them are willing to work together for the time being, both at least with the understanding that Peeta was captured because of both of their actions.

It all happens so fast. Katniss gets dressed with Beetee’s help, and Cinna’s outfit proves to be both stunning and amazingly functional. On her way to Airborne Division, Finnick shows up, half naked and possibly only wearing a hospital gown, upset that he can’t come along. Katniss takes the opportunity to mention that “trident” that Beetee was making for him; it’s a perfect distraction to keep him away, and it also provides one of the best moments in the whole series.

“Finnick?” I say. “Maybe some pants?”

He looks down at his legs as if noticing his outfit for the first time. Then he whips off his hospital gown, leaving him in just his underwear. “Why? Do you find this”—he strikes a ridiculously provocative pose—“distracting?”

Good god, Finnick is spectacular. Thank you for this, Suzanne Collins.

In the Hangar, Boggs and Katniss have an interesting conversation about why District 13 never did anything for the 75 years they existed underground, despite having so much weaponry and technology.

“We were in no position to launch a counterattack until recently. We could barely stay alive. After we’d overthrown and executed the Capitol’s people, only a handful of us even knew how to pilot. We could’ve nuked them with missiles, yes. But there’s always the larger question: If we engage in that type of war with the Capitol, would there be any human life left?”

“That sounds like what Peeta said. And you called him a traitor,” I counter.

“Because he called for a cease-fire,” says Boggs. “You’ll notice neither side has launched nuclear weapons. We’re working it out the old-fashioned way.”

I suppose I understand this on some level, but then on another, it still doesn’t make sense to me. Surely District 13 must realize that the possibility that Peeta was ruthlessly tortured is entirely real, right? Who are they to assume that Peeta is helping them out willingly?

(Side note: Where’s Peeta’s family? No one mentioned if they were in District 13. Don’t answer that if it is answered later. It’s rhetorical.)

She [Fulvia] snags Gale, who’s in a conversation with Plutarch, and spins him toward us. “Isn’t he handsome?”

Gale does look striking in the uniform, I guess. But the question just embarrassed us both, given our history. I’m trying to think of a witty comeback, when Boggs says brusquely, “Well, don’t expect us to be too impressed. We just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear.” I decide to go ahead and like Boggs.

Remember when I mentioned that the Kindle app I use has social highlighting? 542 other people highlight that last part. And all 542 of those people deserve a high five.

We haven’t had an info dump in a while and onboard the hovercraft, Katniss and Gale get an update on what’s been going on in the war. Every district is at war except for 2, which historically is a favorite of the Capitol; it’s now the home of their defense center, though Katniss mentions “it’s publicly presented as the home of the nation’s stone quarries.” I have no idea where that could be, honestly. We also learn that District 2 supplies Peacekeepers to the Capitol, as the Capitol itself could never sustain an army force that size.

“So District Two is where we turn for additional troops. It’s a way for their people to escape poverty and a life in the quarries. They’re raised with a warrior mindset. You’ve seen how eager their children are to volunteer to be tributes.”


“Our goal is to take over the districts one by one, ending with District Two, thus cutting off the Capitol’s supply chain. Then, once it’s weakened, we invade the Capitol itself,” says Plutarch.

That seems like a sensible plan, yes? I assume they would start with what is geographically closest to them and head west, right?

“If we win, who would be in charge of the government?” Gale asks.

“Everyone,” Plutarch tells him. “We’re going to form a republic where the people of each district and the Capitol can elect their own representatives to be their voice in a centralized government. Don’t look so suspicious; it’s worked before.”

“In books,” Haymitch mutters.

Which is precisely where that definition came from. It sounds so insincere because it’s so precise. I’m not sure I buy it. Would District 13 give up their rule of law to anyone else?

“And if we lose?” I ask.

“If we lose?” Plutarch looks out at the clouds, and an ironic smile twists his lips. “Then I would expect next year’s Hunger Games to be quite unforgettable.”

THAT’S CERTAINLY COMFORTING. But it’s not less comforting than the final moment of this chapter: Plutarch remembers that they developed a pill, named after the berries that she and Peeta nearly consumed, to prevent any person from being captured by the Capitol from being…well, captured. They’ll induce suicide.

I take hold of a capsule, unsure of where to put it. Plutarch taps a spot on my shoulder at the front of my left sleeve. I examine it and find a tiny pocket that both secures and conceals the pill. Even if my hands were tied, I could lean my head forward and bite it free.

Cinna, it seems, has thought of everything.


About Mark Oshiro

Perpetually unprepared since '09.
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299 Responses to Mark Reads ‘Mockingjay’: Chapter 6

  1. bell_erin_a says:

    For a second, I’m afraid he’s dying. I have to remind myself that I don’t care.
    Oh, Katniss. There's too much hate in your life. Please just let it go. Because Haymitch is awesome

    OMG, FINNICK. I love you forever, please never change, except for being a happier person.

    Boggs says brusquely, “Well, don’t expect us to be too impressed. We just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear.” I decide to go ahead and like Boggs.

    Remember when I mentioned that the Kindle app I use has social highlighting? 542 other people highlight that last part. And all 542 of those people deserve a high five.
    Hahahahaha this is awesome.

    “If we lose?” Plutarch looks out at the clouds, and an ironic smile twists his lips. “Then I would expect next year’s Hunger Games to be quite unforgettable.”
    And the pill. WELL. ISN'T THIS COMFORTHING. THIS GIVES ME REALLY GOOD FEELINGS, COLLINS. THANKS FOR THE AWFULNESS. To borrow a phrase from the wonderful Cleolinda and that sarcastic way she has of using it: this is going to end well.

    • monkeybutter says:

      Well, he could stand to change his undies every once in a while, too.

      • bell_erin_a says:

        True, unless he decides he can do without wearing any at all. And I am not opposed to this plan, to be honest.

        (Augh, the typos and that missing period above. Those are going to drive me crazy…)

      • zuzu says:

        Why? Did it say he had greying underpants like Snivellus?

        • Saber says:

          It's Finnick. I bet he has the sexist damn underpants…

          Wait. Damn. He's in 13, they probably gave him a uniform. I HAVE NEVER DISAPPROVED MORE OF UNIFORMS

    • Ali says:

      urg, I know the feeling! As soon as they mentioned those suicide pills, I thought 'there is no WAY this is not going to be used later'. I really don't want anyone to have to do this! :'(

      Also, Cleolinda = <3

  2. Nami says:


    “Why? Do you find this”—he strikes a ridiculously provocative pose—“distracting?”

    and this

    “Well, don’t expect us to be too impressed. We just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear.”

    are siriusly my favorite lines in the whole book. Maybe even the whole series.

    (Can I just mention that I woul've gladly traded places with Katniss in this moment? Sigh.)

  3. monkeybutter says:

    Boggs. Haymitch. FINNICK.

    <img src=""&gt;
    My god, this chapter is amazing. I don't think I've laughed this much anywhere in the series — Katniss and the rest going into battle makes me giddy. Until, you know, the whole poison pill thing. I like seeing how 13 works, but it's a relief that there will be action this soon into the book.

    What Dalton (I think) said about how they were approaching the Mockingjay was dead-on. If you're just imitating the Capitol, how are you going to win people over? How are you portraying yourself as an agent of change?

  4. Kelly L. says:

    Finnick FTW. That is my absolute favorite section in the entire series. Pantsless Finnick.

    Also: “Well, don’t expect us to be too impressed. We just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear." BEST LINE EVER. I about died.

    As for everything else: epic, everlasting sadness. This book hurts my heart forever.

  5. stellaaaaakris says:

    Boggs says brusquely, "Well, don't expect us to be too impressed. We just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear." I decide to go ahead and like Boggs.
    I decided to go ahead and do that, too, Katniss. I will overlook his calling Peeta a traitor except for a *side glare* and declare myself Team Boggs. District 13 needs people with a sense of humor. Man, if I were applying to colleges again, I'd be all set in the extracurricular activities with all the Teams this series has gotten me to join. Team Katniss, Team Peeta, Team Katpee, Team Magick Katpee, Team PeeBee and J, Team Katchinn (that's Katniss, Haymitch, and Finnick – geddit? Since book 2 was Catching Fire. I swear I'll shut up soon.), Team Thresh, Team Rue, Team Foxface. Look how well-rounded I am!

    District 2 breeds Peacekeepers? I refuse to believe the delightful Darius came from the land of Cato and Brutus. I will assume he's one of those people who got into debt in the Capitol because his family was poor by Capitol standards but he wanted to be all fancy. Yes, I provide backstories if Collins doesn't seem to want to share.

    It’s weird, because I still feel the opening to Catching Fire is far too quick for my liking.
    I'm assuming you mean Mockingjay, because, from my point of view, the opening to CF was ridiculously slow, particularly at the pace of one chapter a day.

    EDIT ( I can't believe I forgot this): FINNICCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKK! I hope we see more of your sassy sexy self soon!

  6. lindseytinsey says:

    What does "hearts of hearts" mean any way? LOL
    When's the next Harry Potter re-read?

    • erin says:

      My aunt says "in my heart of hearts." Lol. I think it means something like "deep down" or "if I'm honest with myself…"

  7. andreah1234 says:


    Oh, And some other cool things happened too. But even more important: FIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIICKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

    I think the Katniss- Haymitch scene was one of the saddest in these books. Because we finally see the guilt in both of them (well in Kat we have already seen it, but then OMG HAYMITCH), and how alike they both of them really are. And also: TEAM HAYMITCH FOREVER.

    The pills. THE PILLS. Siriusly District 13? Siriusly?! God, you guys do know how to make everything awful.

  8. toneDef77 says:

    “If we lose?” Plutarch looks out at the clouds, and an ironic smile twists his lips. “Then I would expect next year’s Hunger Games to be quite unforgettable.”

    Collins wouldn't take us into a THIRD Hunger Games, would she?


    Mark, you should know by now that Collins sets a lot up early only to leave you in a completely different place than you ever thought you'd be later in the book. You are not prepared…ever.

    Boggs says brusquely, “Well, don’t expect us to be too impressed. We just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear.” I decide to go ahead and like Boggs.

    Remember when I mentioned that the Kindle app I use has social highlighting? 542 other people highlight that last part. And all 542 of those people deserve a high five.

    All the high fives!

    • Andrew says:

      A Hunger Games for war 'criminals'? Oh god, no.

      • iolchos says:

        can just imagine that since Katniss & co have this bad habit of ESCAPING the games, the Capitol would just execute her this time around.

        but I can't even imagine what they'd cook up for this sort of game, maybe I just don't want to

    • Saber says:

      It's Collins. If you think it's a possibility, you're dead wrong

  9. Fuchsia says:


    When the book came out, that became our new catchphrase. Every story ended with "And then Finnick was in his underwear." It was the new "and then I found five dollars." Oh, Finnick. <3 <3 <3

  10. Puel says:

    <img src=>

    …look, this chapter has Finnick in his underwear and the best line ever, do you really expect me to be capable of substantial commentary on anything else?

  11. cait0716 says:

    In my heart of hearts [AUTHOR'S NOTE: WHO THE FUCK SAYS THAT]

    Ok, I'm a big old dork and kind of fascinated by the history of language. So I looked it up. According to the internets, this phrase was coined by Shakespeare in Hamlet:

    Give me that man
    That is not passion's slave, and I will wear him
    In my heart's core, ay, in my heart of heart,
    As I do thee.
    -Act 3, Scene 2

    Ok, so he actually says "the heart of my heart" which makes a whole lot more sense. But somewhere along the way, the phrase got a bit messed up*. Sort of like "I could care less" (couldn't!) and "head over heels" (originally heels over head. Aren't you usually head over heels?). And now it makes no sense, but continues to get used by people trying to evoke the original meaning. Because English is like that.

    And I'm commenting on this because I'm too scared of spoiling you to comment on anything else. Like, I actually had a nightmare about it.

    *Supposedly this was due to confusion with Ecclesiastes' phrase "vanity of vanities."

    • iolchos says:


      you may start judging me now

      • exbestfriend says:

        I use that phrase quite frequently. I AM WHO I AM.

        • xpanasonicyouthx says:


          Like seriously NO ONE says that around me. I HAVE TERRIBLE FRIENDS THEN

          • exbestfriend says:

            It's cool. I say a bunch of outdated shit, like 'Rad' and 'Heretofore' but really it's because I don't know of a better phrase to talk about that layer of myself that is under the obvious level, you know, the layer that I don't like to admit is there.I BET YOU START SAYING IT. Maybe first just in your head, like 'In my heart of hearts, what kind of sandwich do I want?' and then it'll worm its way into your vocabulary. Maybe?

            • iolchos says:

              you say "heretofore"?

              oh, sorry, this was the post where we don't tease :p

              (just watch me start saying "heretofore" from now on…and questioning the usage of "watch me" when I'm discussing listening…)

              • exbestfriend says:

                I MAKE NO APOLOGIES ABOUT HOW UNCOOL I AM. JUST CALL ME ELIZABETH THE DEFIANT.But seriously. I'm pretty uncool. I say a bunch of rightful bullshit. I also have a tendency of saying Mazel Tov. And using the term paraphernal correctly. SO SUE ME!

    • LadyLately says:

      'I could care less' and 'head over heels' HAVE ALWAYS BOTHERED THE SHIT OUT OF ME

    • Gamesfan says:

      Nice reporting.

    • inzhuna says:

      Interesting, thanks for sharing! 'Could care less' pisses me off to no end. Only Americans use that, actually, British say 'couldn't care less'. But yeah, head over heels makes no sense, I've always wondered. Evolution of language is fascinating.

    • elusivebreath says:

      I <3 all the words and phrases that Shakespeare has coined, thank you for sharing!

  12. This reminds me of the Goblet of Fire when Ron, Harry, and Hermione are in line to get water at the Quidditch World Cup and overhear Archie the Wizard in a lady's nightie say, "I like a nice breeze 'round me privates!"

    Now all we need is our other resident nudist Johanna! GET JOHANNA ALREADY! (The Supreme Lord Buttercup approves this message)

  13. zuzu says:

    People are already commenting/will comment a lot on this specific part but seeing as how 500 odd people highlighted, let's give it all the attention it deserves because it's obviously the best part of this whole chapter, probably the whole book.

    "Finnick?" I say. "Maybe some pants?" He looks down at his legs as if noticing his outfit for the first time. Then he whips off his hospital gown, leaving him in just his underwear. "Why? Do you find this"–he strikes a ridiculously provocative pose– "distracting?"

    I MISS FINNICK. MOAR FINNICK PLZ. Please Collins I want some more *says in bad cockney accent*

    "Well, don't expect us to be too impressed. We just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear. " I decide to go ahead and like Boggs.

    I like whoever this person is too Katniss.
    Finnick>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Gale and every other person ever

  14. Andrea says:

    I know you said the question about Peetas parents is rhetorical, but I think it was already addressed in the first chapter?

    • Fuchsia says:

      Yep, page 9: "Peeta's parents, his two older brothers — none of them made it to 13."

      (I had to go back and double check that it was mentioned earlier and not later.)

  15. HungryLikeLupin says:

    “Finnick?” I say. “Maybe some pants?”

    He looks down at his legs as if noticing his outfit for the first time. Then he whips off his hospital gown, leaving him in just his underwear. “Why? Do you find this”—he strikes a ridiculously provocative pose—“distracting?”

    This right here? Possibly my favorite scene in the entire series, not gonna lie.

    What I think is really interesting here is that despite Haymitch making the point that Katniss is at her best and most inspiring when she's allowed to act like herself, Coin still insists on creating a situation that's as much like a soundstage as possible. They're sending Katniss out to an area where fighting has recently stopped, as though warfare is like lightning and never strikes the same place twice. She's not being encouraged, at this point, to do anything active, which the previous books have shown is how Katniss really shines. It's every bit as fake; this time it's just fake out in the open.

    I can't help but feel that this is intentional on Coin's part–not only to keep Katniss from being killed, but to have the ammunition to discredit her later if she needs to. Their goal here is to get some inspiring footage of the Mockingjay on the battlefield, but if the cameras are rolling the whole time they'll also catch a lot of . . . well, nothing. (And much as I like Katniss, since she's still being forced into inactivity, I have to admit that they also have a good chance of catching her being kind of bratty.) The plan is to edit the footage they get into something inspiring enough to call the districts to action. It wouldn't take too much effort, however, to use it to reveal Katniss as exactly what they want her to be: a figurehead, someone who has tricked the citizens of Panem into believing her a hero.

    Bottom line: I still don't like Coin, and I still don't trust her, but pantsless Finnick makes everything better. True story. -_-

    • tethysdust says:

      I sort of got the impression that things were really bad in D8. Katniss mentioned that she hadn't been told anything at all about what conditions were like, just that the fighting had stopped.

      I think they're planning on springing ~terrible tragedy~ on her, to get her to have some intense righteous anger at the Capitol. That was the emotion they were trying to get on the soundstage, I think.

      • HungryLikeLupin says:

        I think you're right, but that's just it–it's still a manufactured moment. Haymitch's whole point is that Katniss's appeal lies in her reaction to horrifying events because they're quite clearly unplanned and unscripted. And while I don't want to say that deliberately putting Katniss in a situation like this invalidates any response on her part, it certainly does create the opportunity to make it seem disingenuous later on if that's what Coin decides she wants to do.

        I would have more to say, but [REMOVED TO PREVENT SPOILERS] so I'll just stop here. 😆

  16. lisra says:

    That's the point where I started to like Boggs and Finnick. Way to evolve your characters, Collins!

    Its kinda hard to say more to this chapter since its basically a bridge to what will happen next (not prepared!). What it did for me was underline how much I dislike #13. Katniss is again and again used and it is not done by someone operating from moral highground, rather just a different moral trench.

    I'll also say this: I don't get Coin.
    Maybe because she has fewer memorable scenes than old snakeyes, but I think its a bit sad that it is never explained where she came from and why she is such a terrible person.

    Can't wait for more..

    I'm already regretting that I have nothing more to read since yesterday. I started to love this series, despite the many, many horrors in it.

  17. iolchos says:


  18. Cora says:

    I have been waiting for you to get to the "just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear" line and you did not disappoint. DAY / WEEK / MONTH / LIFE = MADE. Finnick, why can't you be real. Boggs too. I want them all.

  19. MadarFoxfire says:

    Remember when I mentioned that the Kindle app I use has social highlighting? 542 other people highlight that last part. And all 542 of those people deserve a high five.

    The minute you mentioned that I immediately wondered how many readers went for that line. God bless you, 542 people. God bless. Seriously where is the Boggs for president campaign. Everybody for president.

  20. mr. mowgli says:

    Johanna > or = Finnick >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Gale and every other person ever

    i think thats what you mean.

  21. Elizabeth says:

    Om nom FINNICK. (Why yes, Finnick, yes I do find that distracting…)

    That's the only thing I remember from this chapter. Does anything else need to be remembered?

    • MainexManda says:

      Nope, nothing else is necessary for survival the way Finnick Odair in his underwear.

      Even his NAME makes him sound like he needs to be in his underwear all the time.

  22. Fuchsia says:

    Well, to be fair, the first chapter had ALL THE SADNESS to take in.

    • xpanasonicyouthx says:

      OH MY GOD. How did I miss that?????

      Thank you for pointing it out. Ugh, wow, that makes Peeta's place in this book even MORE depressing. Which…seriously, so fucked up.

      • Fuchsia says:

        Yeah, I don't even know how to feel about this. On one hand, I feel bad that he doesn't know about his family… but on the other, it's kind of good? It gives him some hope while he's captured by the Capitol, to continue thinking that his parents are still alive?

        • Stephanie says:

          Well, I think most of his hope is for Katniss. In Catching Fire, he made it seem like he wasn't very close with his parents. I mean, he cares about them, of course, but it didn't seem to me like they were living with him in Victors' Village, and all that stuff he said in the arena about having nothing going for him in District 12. That being said, I would feel AWFUL for his family if they were alive in District 13, and they had to see Katniss, who was saved instead of their son, every day. And I would never be able to deal with a member of my family being called a traitor for asking for peace, especially given that we have no idea whether he was doing it because he thought that was true, or if he was doing it because he was forced to.

          • Fuchsia says:

            I know that he's not close to his family, but knowing that they're dead would definitely still hurt. Peeta's not completely cold-hearted, after all.

            • Stephanie says:

              I'm not saying that he wouldn't be sad if they died, I'm just saying that the hope of seeing them again isn't what gets him through the night. I think that it's the hope of seeing Katniss again that gets him through.

  23. iolchos says:

    ok, lol, I loved the section where everyone discusses what they like about Katniss ESPECIALLY OCTAVIA and how she's totally embarrassed by it (plus Haymitch's aside, "Drugs Peeta to keep him safe. Good." – can never tell if he's being sarcastic towards her or towards KatPee)

    if Gale and Finnick are not cast utterly gorgeous I will cry

    back to Haymitch: how excellent that he's returned. I confess I was so happy to see him again I forgot Katniss's anger and missed entirely how jaundiced he looked.

    I'm already sporting second hand embarrassment for those going with the camera crew, for anyone who sees them might be offended that they're going around shooting and touring (yes for the rebellion, but still. I'm really ambivalent about filming people who aren't scripted). It sucks that they're throwing Katniss into these situations, handling her with kid gloves when she wants to do something, and then not telling her much of what's going on anyway. Can't she get a newspaper or something, even?

    really really ambivalent towards the pills

    • Justaguy says:

      Inigo Montoya Voice: "I do not think that word means what you think it means…"

      Ambivalent means unsure, but is mostly used to refer to a lack of information, rather than an undecided mind… Although I could be full of it. I probably just wanted to use that quote, actually…

      • Justaguy says:

        P.S. What I meant was, it isn't a direct synonym from "unsure", and I don't think it is supposed to be used as such.

      • iolchos says:

        ambivalence am·biv·a·lence (ām-bÄ­v'É™-lÉ™ns)
        The coexistence of opposing attitudes or feelings toward a person, an object, or an idea.

        I meant what I said.

      • notemily says:

        Ambivalent originally meant equally strong feelings about two ideas (ambi meaning both, and valence meaning strength, as in strength of feeling). But hardly anybody uses it that way anymore.

        • iolchos says:

          yup yup. Although I always associated it with the Greek "amphi," you're right, "ambi" is a more direct root. Thanks for this <3

  24. Fuchsia says:

    That's all I remember! Distracting, indeed!
    <img src="; border="0" alt="Photobucket">

  25. QuoteMyFoot says:

    “Everyone,” Plutarch tells him. “We’re going to form a republic where the people of each district and the Capitol can elect their own representatives to be their voice in a centralized government. Don’t look so suspicious; it’s worked before.”

    “In books,” Haymitch mutters.

    This part made me lol for some reason, at first. Then I thought, how terribly has history been preserved if all they've got is "Republics worked! I swear they did!" and now I have all of the sadfaces. I think history is really important (that's what I'm going to study at uni), so the thought of that just… ugh. It makes me so depressed. 🙁

    • FlameRaven says:

      It's also important to remember that people tend to record or preserve only the really extraordinary stuff, the unusual things. If a republic was working, they might not bother to record much evidence of how it worked or where it was most effective. Really, if you think about the current state of culture, there is an overwhelming amount of pop culture, which could tend to bury the historical analysis or recording– and that's without all the records destroyed accidentally or deliberately by whatever apocalypse happened and the resulting power grab by the capitol.

      I find it telling that they're talking more about a pure republic rather than the democratic republic the US system is based on. When you think about it though, the US is rather a weird example to base anything off of, since our government was specifically designed to be inefficient, in order to make it difficult for any one group to gain total power.

    • monkeybutter says:

      Really, I'm more surprised that Haymitch has read about republican forms of government. I would have assumed that the Capitol would have suppressed any information about more egalitarian societies. Now I want to know how information was preserved and shared over the years, as everything was hellish even before the first rebellion. I imagine a legion of amazing wandering librarians…

      • Fuchsia says:

        This. I wasn't surprised that that was all they knew about republics, I was surprised that they knew at all. Of course, in a lot of other dystopian novels I've read, people knew about republics' pasts and how they (supposedly) eventually destroyed themselves, but most of that turns out to be political spin to keep people in check. So they might know of republics, from talk passed down the years or even as an "even more frightening" model of government, who knows.

    • bendemolena says:

      I liked it because I mean.. look at how far the Roman Republic fell. When it did, it fell hard. The United States, the so-called 'new Roman Republic'? Has the potential to fall even harder. I'd love to know how history in Collins' world is taught and if these kinds of things are taken into account, and maybe that could be part of apprehension in people like Haymitch, or a line of reasoning used by the Capital to try and justify their ruling system.

    • theanagrace says:

      Think about it this way though, we have a problem with preserving history ourselves. There is a small publishing company in the southern US that is putting out a reprint of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain in which they have replaced every instance of "the n-word" with "slave". In other words, they are editing an original work of fiction to make the vocabulary more palatable to today's society. Now, I personally don't think people should be using derogatory terms to hurt others, but when Mark Twain wrote his book, that word these people are offended by was in common usage, whether kindly or not. He used it for a reason, and changing his work is inexcusable. My favorite English teacher in high school always told us that you change your thesis to fit the work, you NEVER change the author's words. This copy of Huckeberry Finn is going to present an inaccurate portrait of the period, and if that was the only copy left one hundred years from now, history has been changed.

      • RainaWeather says:

        I hate that they want to change that. The word is horrible and Twain was depicting a horrible society. To change the word to slave is to sugarcoat the horrible history of this country and the effects our history has on current generations.

  26. Kate Monster says:

    And in my heart of hearts [AUTHOR’S NOTE: WHO THE FUCK SAYS THAT]

    …. ::raises hand meekly:: Maybe it's a dialectic thing? I think everyone in my family has said it at one point. It's not an uncommon phrase in my little corner of the Midwest. But now that I'm out here in SoCal, I can't imagine anyone saying it. Idk. It is an admittedly corny phrase, but as someone mentioned above, it is rooted in Shakespeare! That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

  27. sdempster1016 says:


  28. HanLin says:

    “Everyone,” Plutarch tells him. “We’re going to form a republic where the people of each district and the Capitol can elect their own representatives to be their voice in a centralized government. Don’t look so suspicious; it’s worked before.”

    “In books,” Haymitch mutters.

    THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT the US RIGHT NOW. I don't know exactly why I felt this was so mind-boggling, but I can't believe that it could be possible that the system of gov't we have right now will just be history and EVERYTHING will change. To steal from Mark…MINDSPLOSION!

    Besides that, Hugs to Haymitch and Boggs. Big fan of them!

  29. Cally Black says:

    I absolutely loved when they were talking about all of Katniss's strong moments.

    He looks down at his legs as if noticing his outfit for the first time. Then he whips off his hospital gown, leaving him in just his underwear. “Why? Do you find this”—he strikes a ridiculously provocative pose—“distracting?”

    BEST.PART.OF.THE.WHOLE.SERIES! Finnick I love you deeply, never change.
    <img src=>

  30. iolchos says:

    oh, shoot, I didn't realize- thanks for the heads up!

  31. barnswallowkate says:

    Finnick's "provocative pose" reminds me of Sexy Batman from Hark, A Vagrant. I'll just pretend it's Finnick under the Batman mask.

  32. Openattheclose says:

    So I was watching Brad Meltzer's Decoded yesterday and they were talking about "safe" places to be in the U.S if the Apocalypse happened and they had this map for it, with Florida, Oregon, California and other places under water and Denver now on the coast it totally reminded me of the Hunger Games.

    • iolchos says:

      I have decided that Denver is the Capitol. Even if I am wrong this is what I have decided must be true.

    • notemily says:

      I always feel like I'm pretty safe here in Wisconsin, because we don't get hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, floods (USUALLY *shakes fist*), etc. and where I live is too close to the lake for tornadoes. But the horrible long snowy cold winters might be tricky if civilization breaks down.

    • elusivebreath says:

      As a Californian, I'm glad I can swim!

    • Fuchsia says:

      I feel like Illinois is a pretty safe place for me to be– I mean, sure, nuclear weapons could target Chicago and then I'd be SOL, but otherwise it's pretty boring and land-locked. And, of course, I'm leaving it for Brooklyn which is pretty much the worst place to be if the apocalypse happened. (And yes, this is something I've thought about before and one of the things that's kept me in Chicago so long.)

    • RainaWeather says:

      Whenever I look at panem maps that people have created, where i live is either under water or right on the edge.

  33. thefbm says:

    Yes Finnick, how could I make it through this book induced in sadness, dread, and horror with out your charm.

    And I find it nuts that they would restort to suicide if they were capture…then again these books are chalk full of death.

  34. Ali says:

    WOOT Haymitch! I have missed him SO MUCH. <3<3<3

    This whole plan seems a little crazy to me though. I mean, how can they expect Katniss to really act naturally if there are people with cameras following her around? And they're really gonna risk her in a war zone?

    I don't know. But it'll be interesting to see how this pans out.

  35. FlameRaven says:

    You are not prepared.

  36. hpfish13 says:

    Anyone else think that Adam Baldwin should definitely play Boggs?

  37. Treasure Cat says:

    Im going to go ahead and say it – I dont like the way Collins uses pregnancy as a throwaway plot device. Bringing it up now because of the casual way in which Haymitch suggests they spread the story of Katniss losing the baby and no-one bats an eyelid. I honestly dont think it needed to be included at all and the only times it has even been mentioned is when it is conveniantly needed for the story, and now Collins is conveniantly getting rid of it because she doesnt need that bit of plot any more. I was so excited when Peeta dropped the bombshell in Catching Fire that Katniss was 'pregnant', I thought it was going to add a whole new dimension to the story and a new angle to the hell the Capitol puts them through, but it really did nothing. To me pregnancy seems like a big deal, and like it should be treated as a bigger deal by the characters. Im disappointed it didnt impact things more.

    That being said, Finnick is seriously the best ever. I also love the conversation between Katniss and Haymitch about Peeta, I think they gel really well as characters because they're not scared to be brutally honest with each other.

  38. MainexManda says:

    Hi, Mark! I'm a longtime reader, first time commenter. I have a question for you. Why do you think people feel the need to compare the Hunger Games Trilogy to the Twilight series? I am a fan of both, however, I like HG much better (and Harry Potter tops them all for me). Before I read HG –which was inspired by a few of your reviews, I might add– people endlessly compared this series to Twilight. I never saw much of a comparison between them except for the Gale/Peeta thing paralleling Edward/Jacob. What's your thinking on this?

  39. peacockdawson says:

    But all I say is “I can’t believe you didn’t rescue Peeta.”

    “I know,” he replies.

    It feels incomplete without Haymitch's part.

    "Now you say it," I tell him.

    "I can't believe you let him out of your sight that night," says Haymitch.

  40. MainexManda says:

    (P.S. this seems random, but it just popped into my head this morning.)

  41. iolchos says:

    lololol, well, in consolation, I think he's a great actor, and he really improved upon how Edward was written in the books, and made the character much more interesting to me

    …but I've never seen him do comedy and thar's the kicker

    p.s. who was the other person he played who was supposed to be gorgeous?

    • notemily says:


      Also, are these comments being downvoted because they MENTION Robert Pattinson? Because that's bullshit.

      • iolchos says:

        ah, I thought he was adorable, but I was a young teen when that movie came out

        (and yeah, thank you. :/ I've been wondering)

      • Downvoting over that is bang out of order. o_o It's not like she said, "Let's go fry some kittens!" Surely we can do better than this?

      • monkeybutter says:

        Yeah, it's fucking hilarious how people get downvoted for even mentioning something unpopular or having a different opinion. Heck, I just upvoted someone who had been downvoted for pointing out spoilers. RIDICULOUS.

  42. Andrew says:

    That last line = OMG MY HEART IS CRYING. I can't imagine what Cinna must have been thinking as he designed a tool that could help Katniss kill herself :''''''''(

  43. amysjoy says:

    I use "heart of hearts" with some frequency, actually. So you know, that's a legit phrase.

  44. theresa1128429 says:

    First of all, I think it's hilarious that they needed a big focus group to figure out that Katniss in real-life situations is more believable than when she is acting. DUHHH

    "Feel's wrong. Like something the Capitol would do."
    Thank you D10 guy!!! Someone had to say it!

    Finnick, oh Finnick I love you and you somehow need to be involved in my marriage to Johanna.

    "Well don't expect us to be too impressed. We just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear."
    I agree with Katniss, it's time to like Boggs!

    Nightlock?!?!?! Don't even suggest that! We don't need any more death please!!!

    • iolchos says:

      Katniss is the worst actress in the world. I really hope that this gets played for laughs at least ONCE.

    • Agree, with the Nightlock I almost thought, "Repeating ANOTHER plot device?" I don't know if it's great continuity, or just repeating the same theme. I don't know how I feel about it, yet.

      Finnick will be your Best Man making speeches that leave the parents gasping and everyone laughing uproariously while blushing. 😀

  45. Shanella says:

    I say "heart of hearts"! =)

  46. sirshay says:

    All I can say is, "Yes, Finnick. I find that extraordinarily distracting."

  47. maddielu says:

    Since no one else has mentioned it yet: the fate of Peeta's family was hinted at in the first chapter. I don't know if you missed it, or if you were wondering if what happened to his family is ever explicitly stated.

  48. iolchos says:

    *vaguely, sorry, I suck.

    Anyway, not meant to put you off, just trying to explain so your comments don't get downvoted in the future.

    • Turq says:

      Like, in my opinion. Mark seems to like stuff like that, or he may even love the way it plays out.

      • xpanasonicyouthx says:

        then l would like to arrive there myself and i would not like for you to TELL ME IF THE ENDING IS DEPRESSING OR HAPPY.

        I hope you get a new friend and they're awesome and then right when you're like, wow this is great A METEOR FALLS FROM THE SKY AND SMASHES YOUR NEW FRIEND AND YOU ARE UNHAPPY FOREVER.

        Seriously what the fuck went through your head when you posted this.

  49. fantasylover12001 says:

    Ah, Finnick. There is a reason he's my favorite character after Haymitch, and this moment is one of them.

  50. Hey, guys, remember this line from the first book? Remember how much a lot of people disdained it?

    Peeta rolls his eyes at Haymitch. “She has no idea. The effect she can have.”

    It kind of takes on a whole new layer of meaning now, doesn't it.

  51. Treasure Cat says:

    And I failed at an angry face smilie there *facepalm*

  52. Meghan says:

    The Finnick lines in this chapter are up there in my all time favourite lines of the series. Oh Finnick, never change.

  53. Pk9 says:

    We kind of skipped over the part where Katniss blames us for ruining the planet. I think SC might have gone a little soap-boxy on us, rather than simply letting the story be a critique on society today.

  54. Curiosity Shoppe says:

    Um. I'm fairly certain I've said "In my heart of hearts" at one time or another. DON'T JUDGE ME. Well, okay, go ahead and judge me; it is a pretty corny thing to say. It just means "this is how I feel really deep down, even if I can't admit it, not even to myself."

    Ahem. Moving on.

    Finnick wins all the things. And so does Boggs. He wins some things, too.

  55. Hotaru-hime says:

    The thing about putting Katniss in combat to create propaganda also makes me think that even if she dies, she can still be used- as a martyr. Martyrs are incredibly powerful, especially if you have footage of them fighting before they get killed.
    And if Katniss dies, Coin gets free rein. She doesn't have to bow to a symbol anymore.

  56. Hotaru-hime says:

    Too pale. Finnick's from a fishing district- you can't get some pale thing out there. It would be awful.

  57. Gamesfan says:

    Do not spoil the book for Mark! Please be careful about what you post. Just describing how you feel about an upcoming chapter is itself a spoiler.

  58. tethysdust says:

    I sort of figured they would use the electrical shock as an excuse for Katniss to miscarry. I mean, the other option was to actually get her pregnant, and I don't think Katniss was really be up for that.

    Has anyone noticed how little mention we're getting of Johanna lately? I mean, I love Finnick and all, but I want JOHANNA! I'm getting a terrible feeling that she might be dead. Peeta is being kept alive because he's charismatic and he can be used against Katniss. Everyone who loves Johanna is dead, so she's worthless as a hostage ;_;.

  59. blessthechildren says:

    <img src=""&gt;

    This line….oh how I love it. And Finnick. I want to BE Annie Cresta (well, maybe not depending on what the Capitol has done to her.)

    I personally feel Finnick should just stay in his underwear for the rest of the book – who could stand to shoot someone this sexy?

    <img src=""&gt;

    • iolchos says:

      upvote upvote upvote

    • hpfish13 says:

      Well, this webpage is now officially NSFW….

    • Xocolatl. says:

      DELICIOUS MEN ARE DELICIOUS. Now imagine that man not even wearing those briefs and instead wearing a strategically-knotted golden net.



      • iolchos says:

        that movie is going to ROCK

        I'm so going to a late-night showing. I want permission to make uncomfortable noises in my throat whenever he comes on screen and not worry about offending small children (who shouldn't be there in the first place but you know, YOU KNOW? I need private time with Finnick. Erhuhm.)

    • elusivebreath says:

      Upvoted for smexiness

  60. fuchsia says:

    Totally not related to this chapter at all, but I was bored and reading the “tips” on the Chicago snowpocalypse foursquare page and one said, “go outside and give the sky the finger. Show snow who’s boss!” And I immediately thought of President Snow.

  61. accio doublestuff says:

    does anyone think giving katniss a nightlock pill is a really bad idea? she's so impulsive…i feel like she would easily mistakenly kill herself.

    i would say that maybe nobody cares if she dies…but the fact that cinna made a place for it in her suit shows he thought about it at least a little. i just think that as he really knows katniss, he knows how impulsive she can be. i don't know if impulsive is the right word. i don't know. she already tried to kill peeta with that needle at the end of catching fire, and she would have been wrong. if they had actually gotten peeta out, and she had found him first, he would be dead right now. so giving her an easy way to kill herself seems a bit hasty.

    i totally understand why they're doing it. but it still makes me uneasy.

  62. cait0716 says:

    Dude. Irregardlessly

  63. exbestfriend says:

    It has been driving me crazy. Although it is worse over on Mark Watches. It kills me that Mark went through the process of being amazingly specific over what does or doesn't count as a spoiler and people still act confused. I'm tired of looking at them and downvoting them, so I know the Admin must be as well.

  64. Not_Prepared says:

    "Haymitch, you’ll be airborne and in contact with her."

    HAHAHAHA Oh my God… it's Inspector Gale all over again. Danananana Inspector Haymitch…

  65. Not_Prepared says:

    Honestly, the only way that I interpretated Katniss & the berries is that she didn't want everyone in District 12 to hate her for killing Peeta…. :p

    • exbestfriend says:

      But since she didn't say out loud- "I can't let you die, everyone would hate me if I let you die." -it made her seem slightly more heroic. Also she specifically stated in her interview that " I just couldn't bare the thought of being without him." So even though we know what her inner dialogue was, everyone else, besides Haymitch, thinks she did it for him and that it was some sweet, altruistic gesture.

    • Annalebanana says:

      That's the beauty of it. Katniss isn't even sure what entirely motivated her, and the only way to truly derive meaning from these words at all is through our own interpretations, which can be as vast and unique as anything. We (and everyone in the book) see this act as we feel fits, and it really proves the point that writing is more than just what an author meant it to be. Literature means something different to everyone. It's like how people view historical figures in extremely different lights, and way more often than not in a way that has nothing to do with who the person actually is (just look at obituaries if you want more proof). The world is only how we perceive it in our mind, and regardless of Katniss' true intentions, the action is much more powerful than she could have ever perceived.

      Side note: I always took the berries thing as Katniss refusing to play by the rules the Capitol gave her and refusing to let herself be used and controlled.

      • iolchos says:

        I love this comment, and I think you're right, it's an exposition of what literature means to the reader, what it means to be an observer versus a decision maker. I also love that she doesn't even really know.

        (for the record, I thought it was because she couldn't bear the thought of killing another person she'd bonded with, not just for shame, but the guilt of it, and because of how she'd come to rely on him as her last bit of human comfort in the place that was supposed to destroy any bonds of love. That is, tributes aren't supposed to be friends in the arena, you can't rely on anyone, you're completely alone. When she said that if he died, she'd never escape the arena, not mentally, that really haunted me.)

  66. Not_Prepared says:

    Wow, this is my 3rd comment on the same review… I have a life, I swear!!

    "For a second, I’m afraid he’s dying."
    ^^ When I first read that, I was terrified that Haymitch actually WAS going to die, and Collins was using incredibly heavy-handed foreshadowing, a la Stephenie Meyer. But then I realized that Collins is actually, you know, a good writer.

  67. stephanie says:

    Remember when I mentioned that the Kindle app I use has social highlighting? 542 other people highlight that last part. And all 542 of those people deserve a high five.
    lol i read this series on my kindle and i highlighted that so yay i got a high five from Mark!!!!<:D^_^

  68. ooohlivia says:

    I love Finnick and Boggs in my heart of hearts

  69. Saber says:

    If he plays Finnick, I will Rebel. Siriusly. But I trust Ross.

    Alex Pettyfer for Finnick?

  70. t09yavorski says:

    My sister and I have decided that Finnick's theme song is "Sexy Back'.

  71. notemily says:

    I get nitpicky about "momentarily."

  72. MeasuringInLove says:

    I highlighted it, do I get a high five‽‽‽‽ (This calls for an interrobang, for sure.) Boggs and Finnick's consecutive scenes are hilarious and totally awesome. I'm glad we see more of Haymitch, I missed him! And even Dalton's pretty cool, and he has about two lines. WHY ARE MOST OF THE PEOPLE I KNOW DITZY TEENAGERS‽‽‽‽

  73. lisra says:

    The question is, have you read the novel yet? I can't reveal what else will happen in regard to Coin, but I think my point makes much more sense then.

    As for what has already been revealed, there's not much to go on, true. She is however so much guilty already of lying by omission. Which is not nice, and Katniss has been lie to all along.

    Coin is not exactly *evil* but she is also not remotely good, and becomes worse.

  74. RainaWeather says:

    you're a fucking asshole

  75. Natalie J says:

    My first post here – yay!!! I'm a long time reader/lurker/creeper 🙂

    I've dying for you to get to Mockingjay, Mark. I absolutely LOVE reliving this series along with you and comparing your reactions to my own.

    One thing I have always randomly wondered about – the Capitol's location, especially now that they bring up District 2 – which I would assume is in close proximity. It has always seems to me that it's in or around Denver, Colorado. (it avoided the earthquakes, tidal waves, all that insanity it mentioned in Hunger Games about the world ending and them rebuilding or something, and I think I remember them mentioning the Rockies) Has anyone else thought this?

  76. RainaWeather says:

    I was really happy when they showed her the nightlock pills. At least she wouldn't have to face a long slow torturous death.

    • Annalebanana says:

      There is something more tragic to me, though, in dying because you lose all hope for life and dying out of someone else's actions. :('


  77. vampira2468 says:

    Not enough Cinna. Loved Finnick's cockyness and started to like Haymitch more

  78. bendemolena says:


    How's THIS for a spoiler?!

    <img src=""&gt;
    [lol jk, but spoilers in comments at the source]

    • Saber says:

      Well, it's Collins. Anything can happen!

    • Gabbie says:

      WHAT POINT OF NOT POSTING SPOILERS DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND!? You might as well put up a picture of Buttercup becoming president now that the romantic part of the ending has been spoiled!

      • LOTRjunkie says:

        And now Mark is totally going to be able to tell the part when Gale and Peeta dance off into the sunset, holding hands as rose petals swirl around them and cupids flutter around their heads! WHAT WILL HE DO THEN?

  79. t09yavorski says:


    I feel really bad but this made me laugh. maybe cause I know someone who would shout this (though about real candy and not death pills).

  80. monkeybutter says:

    You know what, you're right. It's not fair to call her evil. I think part of the problem is that Coin is the face of District 13, which is variously a disappointment, harsh, grey, restrictive, and cold. Some people may have been expecting a haven from the cruelty of the Capitol, and District 13 is just a variation on authoritarianism with Coin at its head. She's utilitarian and shows the same casual disregard to Katniss's will and well-being that almost every other character has. That she embraces realpolitik as a means to run a District that is under a lot of stress is unsurprising, but it's also really unappealing. It's not that she's rubbing her hands together and plotting to choke orphans with puppies, it's that she's bluntly amoral and uncaring that makes her so unlikable.

  81. notemily says:

    Nope. It means "in a momentary manner," i.e., briefly.

    • bambbles says:

      Interesting! I never knew that. So its like "I only worked momentarily on the document but I may have time later"

      That is really interesting. Thanks for banishing ignorance!

      • notemily says:

        Ha, well I feel like kind of an asshole when I point it out because language really is shaped by its speakers, but it just grates on my nerves.

        • bambbles says:

          I am a language asshole sometimes too. Especially since I am a reformed one. It took a full year of college to get ate and eaten correct.

          I love learning about language and its idiosyncrasies, so no worries.

  82. Wakfi says:

    I kind of hope that Cinna had one of those Nightlock pills when he was taken into custody. Then he couldn't have been tortured and it would be like a big FU to the Capitol. Anyone else having the same thoughts?

  83. Xocolatl. says:

    'OH MY GOD THIS IS ALREADY HAPPENING. IN CHAPTER SIX!!!! Collins, you are seriously repeatedly punching my face with unexpectedness.'

    OH GOD now I'm picturing a kindle floating up and bashing Mark's facy silly OH GOD

    I imagine that by the end of this book, Mark's reading face will be an unconscious bloody mess.

  84. Guest says:

    SPOILERS: Finnick will spend the entire rest of MOCKINGJAY running around in his underwear.

    (Or at least he will in the film version I am directing. In my mind.)

  85. Silverilly says:

    (Ok, Octavia, no more from you.)
    I knew you'd say something like that.

    And in my heart of hearts [AUTHOR’S NOTE: WHO THE FUCK SAYS THAT], I know we both failed.
    . . . You might want to consider clarifying that. Like, say Reviewer's Note or Mark's Note or something. this makes it seem like Collins actually wrote this, like some really terrible fanfiction writer. XD

    Where the fuck are Finnick and Boggs in real life? I need both of them RIGHT NOW.
    ^ Creepier than I intended.

  86. Lady X says:

    I decide to go ahead and like Boggs.

    As did I Katniss. <3

  87. Sarah says:

    Are you going to do any more re-reading of Harry Potter???

  88. lisra says:

    What else could I have said in reply to her? She asked why the dislike for Coin, and the reasons will become clear. I'm sorry if that spoilered you, I just wanted to answer.

    • notemily says:

      It's Mark people are worried about spoiling, and hinting at ANYTHING that happens later in the book, even if it's just something that might change his opinion of a character, is considered spoiling here. Have you read the Spoiler Policy?

      • lisra says:

        I've been reading with him since Twilight, I know. I apologize.

        This is the Hunger Games, that something terrible will happen later is not really a spoiler, but a certainty.

        But yes, you all are right. Won't happen again.

  89. tethysdust says:

    Well, true, I just assumed the two groups of people were pretty much the same.

    • iolchos says:

      it's possible. I like to pretend that Finnick loves her (like a bro) and some of the other victors do too.

      besides, she does have legions of us fans…

  90. finnickodair says:

    Aaaaaah, so good. Only the best line of the series (and it was reviewed on my birthday!).

    "Don't be too impressed. We just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear"

    Makes me so happy. And jealous of Katniss.

  91. canadadian says:

    Mark, I have just one thing to say to you, in the form of two songs.
    [youtube KVp01pdI81I youtube]
    [youtube -nJOY0P84v4&feature=related youtube]
    But I know you won't be, so never mind.

  92. RainaWeather says:

    I know what you mean. I'm so so about her. I kinda don't like her because she's so strict, but I don't think I'd call her evil.

  93. r1` says:

    oh mark you are never prepared…

  94. Howlynn says:

    Hospital gown And underware huh? You are buying that? Oh yeah — Johanna naked is fine, but naked man would maybe — never mind. Big grin, send him over to cheer up Haymitch.

  95. Hanh says:

    I just shrugged at the pills. Nothing different than cyanide pills except maybe the painless death part. I actually thought the beginning of Mockingjay was quite slow and boring. I’m excited for things to pick up now. Also, it’s about damn time we got old Finnick back.

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